[hider=Evangeline Twister][center][url=https://imgbb.com/][img]https://i.ibb.co/djC3Zhp/elfyie-23232323-1.jpg[/img][/url] [url=https://fontmeme.com/calligraphy-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240725/5098f9b980f915a466a973732c44637f.png[/img][/url] [b][color=deeppink][h3]Demographics[/h3][/color][/b] [u]Gender:[/u] Female [u]Age:[/u] 19 years [u]Birthday:[/u] 15 January [b][color=deeppink][h3]Tear Magic[/h3][/color][/b] [u]Magic Level:[/u] C-class [hider=Spells][h3]Tear Creation[/h3] This spell allows the user to create more tears at a faster pace by focusing their magical energy on their eyes. [color=springgreen]Being able to use this move helps the user to use other spells, which normally take a larger build up, quick.[/color] [color=red]This spell requires magical energy from the user without doing any damage, so it's only useful in combination with other spells that also require magical energy.[/color] [h3]Tear Hardening[/h3] This spell makes the tears of the users hard as a little ball. [color=springgreen]This allows the user to save up their tears and later store magical energy in it to enhance the burning sensation for a planned Tear Gun attack or to enhance the healing properties as to always be ready to use Tear Cure. Since the tears with stored up magical energy can be passed to other wizards, allies can perform Tear Gun or Tear Cure themselves by using their own energy to activate the magic inside. This spell also allows the user to have reserve tears to act quicker in combat.[/color] [color=red] This spell uses a large amount of magical energy without performing damage.[/color] [h3]Tear Gun[/h3] The user can make their own tears lose contact with their skin to then launch them like bullets from a gun. When the tears hit the skin of the target, they will give an irritating feeling due to the dehydrating effect. Depending on the strength of the user, the tears can even give off a burning sensation. The strongest wizards with this kind of magic can even use this spell to burn away the skin of the target and thus bring them to their knees. Even more cruel is when the target swallows the tears, allowing them to burn on the inside, causing internal damage. [color=springgreen]The spell is quick and precise. [/color][color=red]The damage largely depends on the user's strength and only hits a small portion of the target's body.[/color] [h3]Tear Slicer[/h3] This spell is an advanced version of the Tear Gun. Instead of tears being shot towards the target like bullets, the tears form blades that are thrown at the target and burn their way through the target's skin as to immitate a sword's strikes. [color=springgreen]This spell is quick, precise and easily does more damage than Tear Gun.[/color] [color=red]Since this is an advanced spell, only stronger wizards are able to use it.[/color] [h3]Tear Wave[/h3] The user creates a wave of tears that flows in the direction of one or several targets. With this spell as well, the damage of the spell can go from a soft irritating feeling to a major burning sensation depending on the strength of the user. [color=springgreen]The spell can hit a target all over their body instead of one body part and it can even hit several targets at once.[/color] [color=red]The damage largely depends on the user's strength and it takes a lot of build up to create a wave large enough to use.[/color] [h3]Tear Wall[/h3] The user creates a wall of tears that protects itself and/or allies against magical attacks. Only the strongest wizards can make the wall strong enough to protect against physical attacks as well. Although weaker users might slow down the physical attack, giving themselves and their allies more time to evade. [color=springgreen]The spell can protect several people against magical attacks.[/color] [color=red]Physical attacks possibly still go through, either at the original speed or slowed down, and it takes a lot of build up to create a wall large enough to use.[/color] [h3]Tear Ball[/h3] The user creates a ball of tears that absorbs the energy of magical attacks. Another way to use this spell is to throw a magical attack off course by physically hitting the attack with this spell. This spell is a weaker version of Tear Wall. [color=springgreen]This spell is quick to use and protects anyone against magical attacks.[/color] [color=red]Physical attacks possibly still go through and the region protected is smaller than with Tear Wall since the ball form is smaller than the wall form.[/color] [h3]Tear Armour[/h3] The user rubs their tears over their body to create an armour that protects against magical attacks. Only the strongest wizards can make the wall strong enough to protect against physical attacks as well. [color=springgreen]The spell protects the user from magical attacks and is quick to use.[/color] [color=red]Physical attacks still go through. It is possible to use this attack on allies, although this would need magical energy to be stored in the tears and this can require build up.[/color] [h3]Tear Cure[/h3] The user can store magical energy inside their tears in order to give them healing properties. They can either be rubbed over painful muscles and wounds or be swallowed by the user or allies. [color=springgreen]The spell can heal both the user and their allies.[/color] [color=red]What can be healed by this spell largely depends on the user's strength and magical energy needs to be stored inside the tears for the spell to work.[/color] [h3]Tear Relief[/h3] This spell is a weaker version of Tear Cure. [color=springgreen]Pain, sleep, hunger and other sensations can be repressed for a period of time, which allows the user and the targeted allies to focus on the battle they are in. The spell does not require much energy to be performed, which makes it easier to perform on multiple targets.[/color] [color=red]The problem that causes the sensation is not solved. The length of the repression is largely depended on the strength of the user.[/color][/hider][b][color=deeppink][h3]Personality[/h3][/color][/b] [u]Personality:[/u] Evangeline is not the most extraverted person, but one cannot say that she is insecure either. She knows her own value and tries to move towards her goals. At the moment, her goal is to become a strong mage at an established guild and she truly believes that she has a chance of being accepted. When she finds people who love her, treat her right, treasure her, she will stay loyal to them. She would help them, sacrifice herself for them, basically do anything they ask of her. She has a very strong fortitude. [u]Strengths:[/u][/center]1. Her vision is exceptional, which means that she can see longer distances clearer than average humans. 2. She can go longer than an average human without sleep and only needs several hours to recharge due to higher sleep quality. 3. She is very loyal, being willing to sacrifice herself for anyone who treats her right. [center][u]Weaknesses:[/u][/center]1. Her pain tolerance is high, which is useful in battle, but it causes her to often ignore injuries. 2. She regularly needs to use eye drops, because she has a tendency to overuse her magic. 3. Since she needs to be able to cry on the spot any day any time, she has to keep reminding herself to the bad stuff that happened in her life. [center][b][color=deeppink][h3]History[/h3][/color][/b] Evangeline Twister was the only child born to famous actress Piper Moore and up-and-coming actor Frederick Twister. Both of her parents made their lives about being on stage and providing entertainment to the rich and thus Evangeline was expected to continue this tradition. However, from a young age it had become clear that the girl had other interests. All she did with her time was read books. It bothered Frederick the most of all, but what neither of the parents knew, was that Evangeline was trying to learn more about types of magic that could enhance an actress' performances. The magic type that seemed most useful to her of all in this specific domain was Tear Magic. She had an obvious talent for it as she quickly used it to her advantage. It made her into a way better actress and even though she still wasn't fascinated by the art of acting out a character, she was finally able to make her parents happy. It wasn't until her 18th birthday that she started asking herself more questions about what she wanted to do with her own life. It certainly wasn't acting. She tried going back to the books she once read and that's where she realised what her passion was all along: being a wizard. Acting was absolutely not her thing, but using her Tear Magic certainly was. She had used the magic to cry quicker, shine brighter, but the magic could also be used in combat. And as an actress, Evangeline had mastered the art of crying whenever she wanted. Of course she tried to convince her parents first, convince them to allow her to join a guild. However, that talk went exactly the way she expected it. They hated the idea, everything about it. They didn't feel like she would be a good fit in a guild. They didn't think that she could use the magic to fight. They thought the magic would be too inconvenient to ever use it in battle. Evangeline didn't believe their words to be true. She needed to find happiness on her own, as a mage in a guild. That's why she started travelling, in order to find a guild that could accept her. [b][color=deeppink][h3]Writing Sample[/h3][/color][/b] A cold winter breeze danced around her as Evangeline stood before the doors of the headquarters of Fiore's corporate magic guild. Her body was shaking, but she couldn't tell if it was the temperature or the nerves getting to her. After she had finally gathered all of her courage, she entered the building, confidently walking towards the administration office. On her way, she gazed upon the wizards who had already joined the guild to see what they were like... and they disappointed her. They weren't at all like the wizards she had read upon in her books. She ahd read about guilds being like family, wizards standing up for each other, sacrificing themselves for one another. These wizards were more like the politicians she had learned to hate, only thinking about themselves and about the money in their pockets. However, as she didn't want to judge people without knowing them, she proudly continued her walk to the administration office and joined the back of the waiting line. Upon arriving at the woman's desk, Evangeline didn't get the reaction she was hoping for. The woman didn't ask her questions about who she was and why she came. No, the woman recognized her as the daughter of Piper Moore and Frederick Twister. Apparently, her parents had used their connections to get their daughter banned from joining a wizard guild. Evangeline tried to convince the woman to change her mind, but the only thing she heard back was that this was bigger than the woman herself. She couldn't do anything to help Evangeline. Her parents had gone out of their way to force their daughter to come back home. Why were they obsessed with her continuing their legacy? Why? Evangeline couldn't understand the need to force others into following one's own dreams and goals. She should be allowed to do what she wanted when she wanted. She had recently become an adult after all. Since Evangeline had no desire to go back home and give her parents what they wanted, she decided to live on the streets for a while. The lack of money and a job, made her apply for any job that one didn't need to be qualified for. Because of her parents' obsession with entertainment, she didn't have a proper degree or anything. They didn't think it was necessary, because they had already decided what Evangeline would do with her life. Eventually, she got a job as a waitress in a small tavern. She was good at her job. She liked working there and she earned enough money to buy healthy food, water, clothes to keep her warm. Her wage was even high enough for her to rent a small appartment near her work place. However, a couple of months later, she was fired out of nowhere. When she started begging her boss for her job back and demanding to know the reason for being fired, her boss revealed that her parents had convinced them. She couldn't believe her own ears. How did they even know about her job? She certainly hadn't told them about it. Did they have connections with people from such a small tavern? It wasn't likely. One of the customers might have told them about it then. They must have paid her boss to fire her as another way of forcing her back home. Of course Evangeline knew the money her parents had made off of her acting skills. She understood their motivations. But she refused to give them what they wanted. That's why she started living on the streets again, since the owner of the appartment didn't want to continue renting to someone who couldn't get a job. Anywhere she would go, it would be the same thing. That's why she had to leave Fiore. Her parents were famous, but not famous enough to be known in another country. If she would leave Fiore, she maybe could even get a job as a wizard like she wanted! Naturally she didn't really know where to go as her knowledge about geography was limited due to her lack of a proper education. However, she was allowed in a nearby library where she spent weeks reading. Reading had always been her favorite thing to do. In the past she read mostly about art and entertainment as to make her parents happy. The only reason they allowed her to read upon magic, was because she told them it would help her with her acting, which it did. Now she could read about anything. That's why she was there every day for the whole day during those weeks. She read about a lot of different subjects, but never forgot that she was there to learn more about other countries. When she had finally decided that she would go to Pergrande, she didn't waste a single moment. She said goodbye to the people she had met at the library and immediately walked towards Pergrande. Upon arriving at the border, she realized that the guards were checking her like any other mage. They clearly had no idea about who her parents were and that thought comforted her. After passing the check, she went to the town of Rembrandt. Maybe she couldn't rent a place to stay yet, but she might get a job at the local guild. [/center][/hider]