[h2]Smithy[/h2] [@PKMNB0Y][@VitaVitaAR][@Aku the Samurai] With the undead welcoming party finally mulched and/or beaten sufficiently, Bianca's raised hammer was slowly brought lower, surveying the now-still bones that littered the blacksmith's shop. While the combat had sparked some thrill in her chest, she had to keep in mind that the three were in very real danger. Especially the smallest of their group. Well, between herself and Sylva, it was clear they could easily handle even a group of undead! And as long as they were lugging old equipment around, nothing could stop the rampage of her trusty head-smacker! Speaking of old equipment though, it figured there weren't going to be any pristine swords laying around. Not even dusty knives or anything, it seemed like, just piles of rust. Probably slightly better than nothing at all, Bianca felt no need to replace her weapon with anything here. "...I'm gonna check in there. It should be fine, the door's already open, so... ahaha!" Pointing to the ajar door, Bianca tried her luck once more with exploring the other side of one. Luckily, there seemed to be nothing else lying in wait - was this where the weapons got made? As far as she could tell, the stuff in here was an unfinished batch of arms, less useful than the aged scraps that passed for spears out front. After all the trouble of dealing with that ambush, it would suck super hard to have nothing to really show for it. Then again, maybe they should focus on ditching town before the zombies wandered back through ther streets? "Don't think there's anything in here, guys!" Bianca called to the other two as she emerged from the forge once more, "I mean, maybe l'il Sephily can hold onto one of those tools in there? I dunno, see anything you like?" she asked Sylva with a shrug.