[CENTER][h1]Elemental Plane of Air[/h1] [h2][color=6ecff6]Ishaan's Palace: Courtyard[/color][/h2][/CENTER] Aaliyah pauses as she listens to Brutrumukk and Jub as they ask about the cat that popped their swamp gas balloon. She repeats part of the question thoughtfully, "[color=6ecff6]A cat the size of an ogre...?[/color]" She then shakes her head and answers, "[color=6ecff6]I'm afraid I haven't seen any cats the size of an ogre around here, sorry,[/color]" After that, she proceeds to lead the duo into the palace. [hider=Roll either an Investigation or a Perception DC 15 and succeed before opening this]A brief glance to the side as the duo walk up the stairs would reveal something of interest in regards to the cat in question. There are muddy paw prints heading up the stairs and to the palace. The size of the paws do appear to be ogre size. The cat may have gone into the palace before Jub and Brutrumukk did, without Aaliyah even realizing...[/hider] [CENTER][h2][color=6ecff6]Ishaan's Palace: Main Hall[/color][/h2][/CENTER] Entering inside the palace, the ceiling looms high above them, painted with beautiful, intricate fresco. Jub would realize that the fresco depicts numerous events in history, some recognizable in Faerun, and some completely unrecognizable! At the center of the fresco seems to swirling center of a whirlpool or tornado, depicting multiple words and planes! It's almost dizzying to stare into the center... The main hall is pristine, clean, and practically shining. As Aaliyah mentioned, there are numerous artifacts lining the hall and center of the paths, like they're museum pieces! They even have information placards in front of the cases. Jub and even Brutrumukk can tell that the artifacts are...impressive to put it mildly. It probably would take them a lifetime of adventuring, if not more, to acquire magic items like these on their own. At the end of the hall ahead of entrance sits a golden, ornate throne in front of two stairs leading upwards. The hall itself is also has several passages on the ground floor. Aaliyah moves to one of those passages and she tells Brutrumukk and Jub, "[color=6ecff6]This way, please. I have the components for Find Familiar in my room,[/color]" [@XxFellsingxX][@rush99999] [hr] [CENTER][color=598527][h1]Hither[/h1][/color][/CENTER] [CENTER][color=00746b][h2]Downfall: Trinket, Bauble, and Charm's (D10)[/h2][/color][/CENTER] [CENTER][img]https://5e.tools/img/adventure/WBtW/048-02-008.rain-cloud-balloon.webp[/img][/CENTER] Under Aurora's leadership, the party makes their way to the thunder cloud, and the rumored shop underneath it. The party sees a big black balloon floating over the lake, tugging at its moorings. Beneath it hangs a basket made of black wicker and wood, which serves as a merchant's stall. A large pane of gray glass is drawn closed across an opening above the counter. A sign mounted above the window reads, "Wondrous Wares & Fair Fares!" The balloon is not made of fabric, but rather appears to be a roiling, dark rain cloud that has been contained somehow with lines and netting. The sign for the shop, hanging below the counter, reads [i]Very good thimble (fingertip not included) Mug of Bumble Beer (has a nice sting to it) Duskmallow pie (with decorative bite marks) Bundle of dry wood (great for starting fires) Ink portraits (if we have to look at you, so should you) Moonlight monocle (no more fumbling in the dark)[/I] At the counter stands a familiar, tall, feminine figure with grey skin, and a wide brimmed, black, pointed hat. She is waving her hand over a crystal orb with smoke swirling inside it, with an unreadable, unsmiling expression on her face. As soon as the party is close enough for her to notice, and a crooked smile returns to her face as she straightens herself up, "Ah! I remember you from our brief meeting in Bavlorna's Hut. Welcome to Trinket, Bauble, and Charm's," She greets the four with an eerily calm voice. [@Lurking Krog][@Dark Cloud][@Fading Memory][@Cao the Exiled]