[center][h1]Nakajima Ageha[/h1][/center] So she'd put herself ahead of the pack already, considering the inane questions the rest of this rabble were babbling. How many people he killed? What idiot kept count? Why he wore a mask? Who cared? What his Bankai was? If he actually told them, he didn't deserve to be a captain. And then, in a moment of genuinely pleasant surprise to Ageha, she actually got a real answer and a compliment. She hadn't been expecting one. The entire intent here had been just to make herself known to the captain, at the very least. Ageha resisted the urge to display any smugness about the matter. There was no point in ruining any inroads she'd made because she somehow couldn't control her expression. Kenpachi moved on to...ah. The meathead. Should have figured he'd be interested in the Eleventh, too. That...wasn't the worst outcome, really. He put up a real fight, and it was better to have an actual challenge to beat on than a human speedbag. Back to what mattered, Ageha ran through Captain Kenpachi's criteria in her mind. The basics she already cleared easily. Strength? She had Shikai. That put her above the majority of the pack of cretins she'd graduated with. The will to fight? Oh, in spades and more. No, what mattered was what he was looking for in seated officers. She didn't intend to be an unseated pleb for longer than was strictly necessary. Of course Ageha fought for something. It was what had motivated her to push through her family's training. Through the academy. Spite. And the desire to make her wreck of a childhood worth a damn. To be [i]useful[/i] in some way. If she didn't go down this path, all the nonsense, idiocy, and borderline abuse she'd endured would have all been wasted in the end. She narrowed her eyes, noting the alluring smell of grilled meat and fish wafting in the air and pushing past it. Later. There were more important things at hand. [b]"Then I'll just have to prove my worth. Now or at a later time, Captain?"[/b] She left it up to his discretion, of course. There was a fine line between displaying bravery and an insubordinate demand.