[centre][colour=aqua][h2]Sylva[/h2][/colour][/centre] [center][h2] Undead Smithy[/h2][/center] [hr] Sylva breathed a sigh as the last of the undead fell before him a a heap, the adrenaline fading from his system. It had been harder than he’d thought, fighting with wings and a tail, but he’d done well enough in the end even with those distractions—he really wanted to test those wings, though. He eyed the broken sword in his hand for a moment and then tossed it aside with a regretful sigh. There went his only weapon. Even though it hadn’t lasted all that long against the undead, it had been useful all things considered. Better than using his bare hands, in any case. With the threat dealt with for the time being, Sylva hesitantly appraised the interior of the smithy. There wasn’t much of anything of worth inside other than a few pouches that had clearly seen better days but were thankfully still functional enough for use. That was a lucky break, at least. The weapons, on the other hand—mostly spears and maces, it seemed—were rusted nearly beyond any semblance of usefulness. Yet another indication of the passage of time, and the lack of maintenance. [i]Sigh[/i]. Speaking of useful things, Bianca was opening another door that led further inside of the smithy. Sylva tensed slightly but this time nothing scary popped out and tried to eat them. It was a relief, to be sure. That, at least, proved the other instances were just unfortunate coincidences. Taking a peek into what was presumably the forge room, Sylva shook his head helplessly at Bianca’s question, [colour=aqua]“No, nothing. Looks like I’ll just have to settle for hoping I won’t catch tetanus swinging those rusted hunks of metal around.”[/colour] He glanced back at Sephily next, humming in thought, [colour=aqua]“Yeah, getting Sephy one of those would be a good idea. That staff [i]is[/i] a bit unwieldy for her size. Should probably make it quick, though. Who knows how long that bell’ll keep ringing.”[/colour] [@VitaVitaAR] [@RolePlayerRoxas] [@PKMNB0Y]