[COLOR=GRAY][CENTER][COLOR=dimgray] [sup]________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/sup][/COLOR][img]https://i.imgur.com/ceYjAX8.png[/img][/CENTER][indent][sub][COLOR=silver][B]Location:[/B][/COLOR] [I]Southern Forest[/I] - [I]Pacific Royal Collegiate & University[/I][/sub][sup][right][COLOR=silver][b]Take On Me #3.051:[/b][/COLOR] [I]Temper Temper[/I][/right][/sup][/indent][COLOR=dimgray][SUP][sub]____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/sub][/SUP][/COLOR][INDENT][sub][color=silver][B]Interaction(s):[/B][/COLOR] [I]None[/I][/sub][SUP][RIGHT][COLOR=silver][b]Previously:[/b][/COLOR] [I]Hell Or High Water[/I][/right][/SUP] [INDENT]The shade of the thick canopy overhead offered a cool reprieve from the midday sun as it beamed down over the Pacific island. Though still a temperate climate, Miguel could feel small beads of sweat dotting his forehead as he slipped his long coat off his shoulders and swung it over a forearm. The forest path was well trodden, little evidence would be found on the main passage that most students and faculty took. But the brush was disturbed off the path, and the Fist quickly found an area that had been more well trodden. Deep footprints from burdened bearers remained even days later. A dart remained behind on the ground, nestled in the tall grass illustrating the hurry and sloppiness of this conquest. Daedalus was growing more desperate. The click of a gun behind him gave Miguel momentary pause. His ability began to kick in as thousands of scenarios and their logical outcomes raced before his mind. He could roll out of the way, he could spin and disarm. There was a chance of slipping on the damp soil though, the leaves beneath his dress boots didn’t exactly afford him the traction of a paved surface. But as the wielder of the weapon spoke, Miguel allowed himself a semblance of a grin before he relaxed at the intonation of a drawl. [color=#ffffff]“Y’all have five seconds to explain why you’re on my damn island.”[/color] [color=#ffffff]“You have a fifty-six percent chance of making that shot without me breaking your wrist and taking your weapon. Do you really feel [i]that[/i] lucky, Chancellor?”[/color] Miguel replied while slowly raising his hands to the back of his head before bringing himself to his feet. [color=#ffffff]“Never tell me the odds.”[/color] Without warning, Miguel spun around, dipping out of the line of fire. To his surprise, there was no shot, no echoing bang disturbing the forest. Unhindered, he attacked with a series of quick strikes, only to find his fists striking against Jim’s psionic barrier in a futile effort. [color=#ffffff]“Y’all didn’t see that comin’?”[/color] Jim asked, spinning the unfired gun around on his finger before holstering it beneath his arm. [color=#ffffff]“I remember the last time we fought, I was still just a welp wet behind the ears and you still looked like a dog’s breakfast,”[/color] [color=#ffffff]“Ah, yes, the [i]tenacious[/i] agent,”[/color] A slight tone of recognition marred the Fist’s voice, [color=#ffffff]“I am surprised you don’t walk with a limp after I broke your leg in three places.”[/color] Miguel replied, relaxing his hands to his sides. [color=#ffffff]“Oh I still know when the rain’s coming thanks to y’all,”[/color] Jim snapped back with a sarcastic tip of his Stetson. [color=#ffffff]“Now then, we gonna keep pissin’, or you all dried up and ready to talk ‘bout why Torres has y’all lurking around my island.”[/color] [color=#ffffff]“Where’s your mind reading special lady friend?”[/color] Miguel replied with a wry smirk. Jim cracked his knuckles before rolling his neck. [color=#ffffff]“Oh I won’t be needin’ her to get words outta Nakamura’s ol’huntin’ dog.”[/color] Jim replied, [color=#ffffff]“Hate to have to tell Torres I put her hound down because it got rabies.”[/color] [color=#ffffff]“I thought we were done ‘pissin’’”[/color] Miguel stated flatly,[color=#ffffff] “As you know Chancellor, the Foundation has its own reasons for being interested in P.R.C.U.”[/color] [color=#ffffff]“I’m well aware of that, but you’re looking into the disappearance of a student who was associated with Hyperion’s Children. Now, either y’all are looking to add some muscle to the Foot, or there’s more than meets the eye here.”[/color] [color=#ffffff]“Does the name ‘Daedalus’ mean anything to you?”[/color] Miguel retorted cooly, [color=#ffffff]“I believe he’s infiltrated your campus and is hell bent on continuing his mission here.”[/color] [color=#ffffff]“What mission would that be?”[/color] Jim asked, crossing his arms unimpressed. [color=#ffffff]“To create a new breed of Hyperhumans.”[/color] The Foundation’s Fist replied. [color=#ffffff]“Tell me, how much information did your predecessor leave about Amma Cahors?”[/color][/INDENT][/INDENT][/COLOR]