[hider=SPELLBINDER] [center][b]DC/Marvel Characters Used:[/b] Zachary Zatara + Scarlet Witch [b]Name:[/b] Zachary "Zack" Maximoff [b]Alias:[/b] Spellbinder [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b][u]Powers[/u][/b] [b]Magic:[/b] Zack's meta-mutant power effectively converts what is normally stage magic into real magic. This typically manifests as conjuring objects into existence or transmogrifying existing objects into other objects of a similar size. The larger the object, the greater amount of concentration and control is required to successfully perform the spell. He can also achieve other illusory effects such as temporarily cloaking himself with invisibility or disguising himself as another person of a similar height and build, with the only caveat being that these illusions will not fool things such as infrared detection or bio-metric scanners. He's also capable of hurling bolts of magical energy from his hands, but they are relatively weak compared to other heroes with more dedicated energy blast powers mostly due his own lack of experience. [b]Prestidigitation:[/b] In addition to real magic, Zack is an accomplished stage magician and is thus well-practiced in various sleight of hand acts. These can range from conjuring up a bouquet of flowers to a small flock of doves from out of his cape or hat. Probably the most practical of these skills is an ability to pickpocket items as well as reverse-pickpocket them, ie placing them into another's pocket without being caught or noticed. [b]Chaos Magic:[/b] This is a dangerous extension of magical energy projection. It can allow for bigger and more destructive blasts of magic that is sometimes also elemental in nature such as fire or lighting. There also appears to be an element of probability manipulation to this magic that can allow it to "randomly" break or destroy structures. This is what gives the magic it's chaotic element and why it is referred to as Chaos Magic. But it comes with a rather extreme caveat. Chaos Magic, by its very name and nature, is dangerous and even unpredictable. It also has an unseen cost to it that eats away at the mind and soul of a person who channels it too heavily and too often, which can be seen through sometimes-grotesque changes to their eyes and facial features until they eventually become a soulless husk with none of their humanity remaining. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] All the magic in the world doesn't change the fact that Zack can be stabbed to death by blades or shot to death by bullets no differently than any non-meta person. [b]Team Affiliation:[/b] Teen Titan X [b]Personality:[/b] Awkward, introverted, quiet, but also confident and charming. If that sounds paradoxical it's because it is. The charm and confidence only ever come into play when the mask goes on and it's time to use magic and fight bad guys. Outside of that and especially during social interaction? Forget about it, whatever confidence and charm he has as a superhero just isn't there when it comes having normal conversations with people, especially those of the female persuasion. [b]Appearance:[/b] Zack is a mostly lean teenager with dark green eyes and dark brown hair. His hair in particular is kept cut short in the back and sides, while the top and bangs are allowed to be a little bit longer and parted largely toward his right. On the surface he wears the uniform of a flashy stage magician - a black waistcoat over a black/red vest piece, white dress gloves, white long-sleeved dress shirt and red cravat around his neck. Over his shoulders hangs a black cape with a silky red inner lining. On his lower body he wears formal black dress pants that match his waistcoat and black leather dress shoes on his feet. He also wears a black, silk top hat with a scarlet red hat band rapped around it's base in addition to a red domino mask. Underneath this uniform he wears a layer of compressed spandex, dark grey in color that serves to keep his blood circulation well-regulated as well act as an additional layer of warmth for cold weather. The spandex material is also tough enough to act as minor protection against knives and other similarly sized bladed weapons. [b]BRIEF Bio:[/b] He was the forbidden child of two feuding families of stage magicians. Zachary was related to both the Zataras and the Maximoffs, but after a meta-mutant power kicked in that made him more than a simple stage magician both families wanted him for their own agendas. Choosing not to deal with the drama he sought out others like him on the road while adventuring across the states. Zachary crossed paths with Spiderboy and later Doctor Strangefate. After a few lessons in the arcane and supernatural from the helmeted Sorcerer Supreme, Zachary sought out the Teen Titan X down south in New Gotham. Now, it's brought him further north to Jumphaven. [b]Supporting Cast/Characters:[/b] The Zataras - A secretive family of magicians from his paternal side. The Maximoffs - A secretive family of magicians from his maternal side. Spiderboy - The first meta Zack ever met and befriended. Dr. Strangefate - Zack's mentor of sorts in the ways of magic and sorcery. [b]Amalgam Universe Notes:[/b] Zack does indeed incorporate backwards-speech into his spellcasting. It's a gimmick utilized by The Zataras as part of their magic act. It isn't actually necessary for casting spells, but Zack often uses it anyway out of habit.[/center] [/hider]