[COLOR=red][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]S P E L L B I N D E R[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR] What. A. Month. That was approximately how long it had been since Zack first made it to New Gotham City. And no sooner had he found the Teen Titan X, he got called here to a whole other city to join Titan X. From what he understood, Titan X was apparently the “main” team while the Teen Titan X had been some kind of… offshoot, he supposed? This was like trying out for a minor league baseball team only to be immediately signed on by the Dodgers or the Red Sox. So uh… no pressure, right? Unfortunately that was exactly what the magician was feeling right now. Some of these people had been working together for some time already. They’d clearly begun to form their friendships and rapport with one another. Could jokingly slag one another off without any worries that any feelings would be legitimately hurt. And then… There was Zack. Standing there in the corner of the lobby with his hands jammed into the pockets of his gray hoodie with a big backpack slung over his back because he’d literally just moved into town and hadn’t even had time to unpack or anything yet. And it definitely didn’t help that he clearly looked like the youngest person in the room. So basically it was all the pressure of starting a new job [i]and[/i] being the new kid in school all rolled up into one! Yay! He was initially startled by the big machine guy’s entrance. Who in the world would go out of their way to make such a loud entrance? Oh… right… A magician like him would, wouldn’t he? But that was all stage and theater! He’d never do something like that in casual conversation. He’d never have the guts to do anything that flashy unless he was suited up and wearing his mask. Was it weird that he would feel so… naked without it? Thinking back on it… Why wasn’t Spiderboy here? Pete had been the one to point him in this team’s direction initially, but for some reason declined to ever join it himself? Seemed a little hypocritical, now that Zack thought about it. Or maybe it was Dr. Strangefate’s idea? During lessons he did occasionally insist that Zack pursue some kind of social life rather than dedicate all his time to learning and practice. Maybe he’d been the one to put Spiderboy up to sending Zack here? Well either way, Zack was here now and if the choice was between Jumphaven and going back to his family drama, well… he was choosing Jumphaven every single time. And then the Tower was attacked. Night Vision gave the call to arms, and everyone leaped into action. Everyone, that is, except for Zack. At least at first. After a moment’s hesitation he snapped out of it and clapped his hands together as he began to chant. [b]”Emitwohs... S'ti!”[/b] He spun around with a dramatic flair as his clothes transmogrified into his suit and he transformed into Spellbinder. But after that he, well, hesitated again. If he’d been on his own he could have jumped into some kind of strategy involving some big conjuration or something. But for the moment he was a bit afraid of getting in someone else’s way and stepping on their toes. But if nothing else he could spin this as him simply observing and waiting for an opening if anyone asked him. But it didn’t hurt to start prepping a spell. He clapped his gloved hands together and began to focus and channel his arcane energy. If he did spot an opening, he’d suddenly chant out [color=red][b]”Evoba morf htaed!”[/b][/color] and conjure a heavy shipping container above the Herald of Cyotakk’s head so that gravity could do the rest and drop it on top of him.