[Center][h2][color=ed1c24]Aurora[/color][/h2][/center] [Color=ed1c24]"Why would you suspect there is another shoe to drop? While I suspect Charm does not have the best intentions to us I do not think that a reason to be concerned. That being said I do not think this shop with be anything ordinary either. Having been here for gods know how long, and what little bit I remember from stories, very little in this place is ordinary."[/color] As the group approached Aurora noticed charm sitting with a smoke filled crystal orb in front of her. The eerily calm greeting from Charm did unsettled Aurora. Something about Charm bothered her all together. She knew that Charm had advised Bavlorna to leave Downfall and that they believed the group would be trapped here. Aurora did her best to bury the emotion and keep her expression on of naivety. [Color=ed1c24]"Yes we did meet briefly at Bavlorna's home. I remember you saying you had a shop out here under a thunder cloud. I'm not really see much of interest. Do you have thing else? "[/color] She asked looking around to see if there was anything else.