[center][h3][color=92278f]Goten[/color][/h3][/center] Goten watched the young runt closely ([@Teyao]) as he seemed lost in a train of thought after his words. He could sense a strength coming from the boy, but something was hindering it. Doubt? Fear? Insecurity? [i]Anger?[/i] It intrigued him, the wild runt being paralyzed by simple words but not from a fight from someone in Squad-Eleven? Goten sat a hand upon his shoulder. [color=92278f][b]"Keep your head up at all times young man. I know not what you've gone through, or what you're seeing now, but [i]always[/i] keep your head up. In this life, a man doesn't find his purpose, he lets it find him within time."[/b][/color] He gave a singular nod before removing his hand and giving his attention to Ageha ([@Psyker Landshark]). [color=92278f][b]"As for you, there will be time to prove yourself soon enough. Despite the unruly showing of our Captain-Commander, he speaks true. This may very well be your final calm day, especially if you look to join my Division, so please enjoy it. You made enough of an impression anyway, so you're on the right path. Visit me once you've completed your first mission."[/b][/color] He gestures forward. [color=92278f][b]"So, unless you two have more questions, once again I do implore you to enjoy your night."[/b][/color]