[Center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/autumn-flowers-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240703/2088c5ef58c4d09c76265a3f4214c9be.png[/img][/url][/center] [quote][sub] Date & Time: October 10, 2029, 7:19 PM Current Location: Peterson Estates, Passenger Island, Castleburg Current Teammates: Blast [@Hitman], Wireframe [@Silver Carrot], Bastion [@Infinite Cosmos], Gematria [@Scarifar], Alchemist [@Duoya] [/sub][/quote] [hr][hr] [Color=Chartreuse]"This is Dahlia. I'm five minutes away from location. Over."[/color] Evangeline said over their team comms. It had been a month since the attack of the Fiendish Five on the festivities on Castleburg and their headquarters at Hero One. While they were successful in defeating the villain group, Professor Gholem managed to escape. Eva believed the other heroes were tasked to locate the whereabouts of the villain while the rest were given the chance to rest, regroup, and go on to do their own thing for the time being. For Eva, she of course would've chosen to do more missions but as per doctor's orders, she was required to fulfill a different mission: get some much needed rest. She spent a good amount of time at the hospital, having her wound being treated while observing it for other kinds of infection just in case. She then spent the remainder of the month in at base, mostly staying in her room. Thankfully, the blade only managed to pierce her flesh and not the bone. She had taken the prescribed amount of anti-pain medications, but she was told a little pain here and there was normal. Sometimes it still hurt to raise her arm even. She just regretted that she wasn't able to join the pizza party her other peers organized, and worried about Rupa's well-being. It was her first time formally meeting her at the orientation, but Eva could get a slight idea about her personality. Eva hated the idea of Rupa blaming herself for what happened, she didn't even have the chance to meet with her again through the whole month. When she learned they were both in this covert mission together, Eva hoped this will be their chance to properly talk again since the incident. Eva took in a deep breath and exhaled, psyching herself up. This was not the proper time to be nervous and worry about people. Like the others, Eva was chosen specifically due to the nature of this mission. They were going to a party hosted by a filthy rich man named Samuel Peterson who supposedly had ties to various criminal organizations. It was mostly an intelligence gathering type of mission: collect any vital piece of information that could connect Peterson to the Fiendish Five and any other villain group if there are and that could also prove he had a hand in the disappearance of several of his staff. Also, there's the other objective of not letting ICOSA find out about this. Throughout her time in her own family's villain group the Death Boquet, most if not all their targets were men who garnered vast amount of riches and fortune through unethical methods. They wouldn't share that kind of information with anyone of course, but one would be surprised how open and relaxed these men would be after just a couple of drinks with the company of a beautiful woman who feigned interest in their pathetic miserable lives. The money they managed to steal from those men were pocket change compared to what they make in a year and her family cared less about what they did to reap all those ill-gotten riches. Her mom and sisters would even dress themselves up in various wigs, make-ups, and dresses, each look vastly different than the last to avoid getting identified. They even changed the way they acted as well, analyzing what type of woman their target wants and creating a persona with an accent and mannerisms to fit that ideal type for them. Sometimes, Eva felt guilty especially when their target was just plain lonely and genuinely looked for company. Still, Eva didn't think that what she did for a life of crime would later be used to help save the day too. She opened her purse to check out her kit she got for the mission: the invitation printed out by Alisa for the heroes participating in this mission, a poison lipstick, a few bits of make-up here and there, and a special transparent toxin in a small vial that will knock out a grown man unconscious for at least half an hour. She took out her compact mirror to see if her make-up's smudged and fixed her outfit to make sure she looked the part, not that there's anything to fix anyway. Eva had on a deep V-neck black dress with a thigh-high slit, a white faux fur coat to help hide the healing scar on her arm, and a pair of black stilettos. She even put on brown-colored contact lenses to hide her very obvious bright green eyes and put on a brown wavy-haired wig with a side part. With her current get-up, it was definitely a drastic change from her usual look. It's also to help hide her identity if there's a chance any of her current victims were at the party. Once the car stopped in front of a massive mansion, Eva thanked the chauffeur and got out. She got in line just as the rest of Peterson's guests, all of which looked like they used their toilets were made of gold. When it was her turn, she gave her invitation to the doorman. [Color=Chartreuse]"Thank you."[/color] She quietly said to him with a wink, her fingers brushing against his as she took her invitation back. That short physical contact allowed Eva to impart her toxin into the doorman's bloodstream. It's only dormant for now but when it came to it, she can activate the toxin for it to paralyze the doorman's muscles like she did to Albino. She did the same to a few other people she could make physical contact with her hand and arm as she walked past them. The guests along with Eva were then guided towards the ballroom where it was every bit of opulent as she imagined it to be. Guests were wearing the finest tuxedos and dresses ever made, each piece of clothing probably worth more than a normal human being's life savings. The air was filled with music from the quartet along with the hollow conversations and fake laughter being exchanged between the guests. [Color=Chartreuse]"Team, this is Dahlia. I'm in the building. Just waiting for the others. Over."[/color]