[color=gray][INDENT][INDENT][i] [/i][/INDENT][/INDENT][CENTER][COLOR=04cf3a][sup]________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/sup][/COLOR][img]https://i.imgur.com/uxnptlQ.jpg[/img] [/CENTER][indent][sub][COLOR=04cf3a][B]Location:[/B][/COLOR] [I]Canis Dorms, P.R.C.U. Campus - Dundas Island, Pacific Ocean[/I][/sub][sup][right][COLOR=04cf3a][b]Take on Me #3.052:[/b][/COLOR] [color=white][I][b]Say Your Prayers[/b][/I][/color][/right][/sup][/indent][COLOR=04cf3a][SUP][sub]____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/sub][/SUP][/COLOR][INDENT][sub][color=04cf3a][B]Interaction(s):[/B][/COLOR] [I]Amma [@Rockette][/I][/sub][SUP][RIGHT][COLOR=2c2c2c][b]Previously:[/b][/COLOR] [color=2c2c2c][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5540023][I]Anywhere, Whenever[/I][/url][/color][/right][/SUP] [INDENT] Rory’s eyes locked on Amma, the world seeming dull and muted as all he could see were the recordings playing back in his mind. Amma’s cryptic conversation with Haven, the sight of what she had done to save her… and the sight of her power rolling through Haven’s wings. The two that arrived there to help were two of the last people Rory wanted to involve. When his eyes turned to Katja, he instantly looked away. The last time he saw her, she was covered in blood and viscera. It was so easy for the two of them to kill… and now he was dragging Harper into a mess with them. [color=#8a9a5b]“Thank you… Amma, But Haven isn’t just another statistic.”[/color] [color=#978184]"No, no, she won't. I made a promise I would never let someone suffer what I have. To become..."[/color] There was a pause in her words, as red tendrils of power radiated from her form. [color=#978184]"The world has enough monsters."[/color] [color=04cf3a]”Glad you’re here… just waiting on the rest of the team.”[/color] A small exhale left Rory’s lips. After everything, nothing had changed. Same speech, same act. The forced, weak smile on his lips showed gratitude. It disgusted him to twist his face like that. He took a few steps towards Amma on their approach, making sure to keep Amma between himself and Katja. He got close, enough that that sickening feeling of her field of influence crawled over his skin. His faint scars itched with familiarity. While his smile remained, his whispered words were slick with disdain as he leaned in close. [sub][color=04cf3a]”I trust you’ll be good to your word… she reminds you of someone, after all.”[/color][/sub] He paused for a fraction of a second, just long enough to let any semblance of recognition slip in. [sub][color=04cf3a]”If your powers touch Haven again… or you threaten her, I’ll finish what we started in the Trials.”[/color][/sub] [sub][color=#978184]“Yeah?”[/color][/sub] Amma breathed, a whisper punctured through her words donned in a warning, a manifest of the creature that recognized the man before her, leaned in close as she canted her head and dropped her lashes against the sudden glow captured in her eyes. [sub][color=#978184]“Don't forget it was [i]I[/i] that saved her while you were running around in a mask.”[/color][/sub] [sub][color=#978184]“[i]Twice[/i].”[/color][/sub] The fake smile remained plastered on his face as he leaned back, looking down at Amma. It failed to reach his eyes. He lifted a hand, placing it on her shoulder and giving a small squeeze. Anger ran through his veins like ice, but she was right. He took a breath, and gave a small nod. [sub][color=04cf3a]”I saw.”[/color][/sub] He looked down at the marks on his arms, before slowly removing his hand from her shoulder. The smile on his face slipped away. Ego tripping, threats... those weren't him. Those were... Rory clutched at the strap of his bag. This wasn't the time for this. [sub][color=04cf3a]”I made her a promise. And I need help keeping it.”[/color][/sub] Something visibly coiled through Amma at his words, something unmarked and unnamed that writhed against the hand clasped over her shoulder whilst she swept her gaze up to meet his frigid glare that marked her on the spot for everything that went unsaid between them. Her fingers splayed and cracked, nails marked into her palms as a shuddering breath swept through her lungs and inflated on a trembling inhale from her fury bristling in response. Amma exhaled on a nod, reigning in the rage, clamping down on the red that angrily sluiced away beneath her skin and thrummed down her back liken to a serpent tongue that flicked away at her spine. [sub][color=#978184]“I'll make sure you're able to keep that promise. Just like mine.”[/color][/sub] Rory gave a nod, the exhaustion on his face evident as he turned away, walking away a few paces. He folded his arms over his chest, his nails digging into his skin as he desperately tried to keep everything in. She was right. No matter all his big talk… he was right there. He should have woken up. He should have locked the window. He should have known they would come. He should have done something, anything, to save her. And now… he was just tagging along. He readjusted the strap of his duffle bag, just to give his hands something to do as he buried his anger and frustration down deeper and deeper. Amma knew he was useless here. Harper wasn't at 100% and was still doing more than he had. Katja would break down doors and walls all on her own until she found her. Rory couldn't do anything but follow their lead. Haven needed the team. [/INDENT][/INDENT][/color]