[h1][color=2e8b57]Isla Gill[/color][/h1][sub][hr][color=2e8b57]Location:[/color] Ancient Grove [color=2e8b57]Mentions:[/color] N/A[/sub] [i]Fuck[/i]. Fuck fuck fuck fuck. Oh [i]heck[/i]. Isla stared as the smoke began to billow out from the blanket. It was pretty heavy, sure, but wasn’t enough with all the motion to be kept down. She could see the little figure moving up along one length of the blanket, trying to make its way out, and just sort of moved. [i]Breathe in[/i], move, pick up the two corners furthest from the direction the little guy was moving, and throw it up over. A billow of green-hue smoke came out with the motion, Isla taking a few steps back to cover her face and eyes from it. “Dancing! Dig and pile!” She jabbed her finger at where the Budew was moving off to, the little Eevee taking her meaning. He started to dig, faced away from the blanket and smoke to pile on dug behind him, onto the edge of the blanket to weigh it down. Isla heaved off her bag, watching for what direction the Budew was planning on going instead to weigh that down. What the end plan was…she really wasn’t sure. Of course, running off at this point wasn’t it - she’d have lost her blanket, and for what? Although…it’d need to get washed, sure, but Isla’s mind wasn’t on that. Bundle down the Budew enough for Swiper to get back on his feet, maybe? Yeah, that sounded like it worked. [i]Oh, heck[/i]. [b]Isla used Blanket![/b] [b]Dancing used Sand Attack![/b] [b]Swiper is Paralyzed![/b] [hr][hider=Pokémon | Inventory][color=2e8b57]Pokémon:[/color][list][*] Dancing | Eevee | Level 9 | Anticipation | Pokéball Tackle, Tail Whip, Covet, Growl, Helping Hand, Sand Attack, Wish [*] Swiper | Nickit | Level 11 | Runaway | Pokéball Quick Attack, Tail Whip, Beat Up, Hone Claws [/list][color=2e8b57]Inventory:[/color] 4000p[list]Tranquil Reviere VIP card 3 x Pokéball 3 x Potion [/list][/hider]