D'arcy's critical eye rests on Artemisia. It bores into her. It then sweeps over the table and seems to, wisely, disregard Margerie and Mariam. Bartholomew receives the scrutiny of his gaze- And then D'arcy looks down at his boot. He tilts his head. His wings flutter once, then grow still. His head snaps up to Bart and holds his gaze. "Madam," He addresses Artemisia despite staring coolly at Bart. "If you wish to be of assistance and learn additional details, you and your company are free to come down to the garrison. Your lot certainly isn't cowardly enough to be my thief. Public is not for the sharing of critical details, however. The sooner this can be solved, the sooner we can all return to our pleasant days." Even as D'arcy says this, murmurs go around the tavern. Seemingly, loose lipped guards have already shared the key details; 'Mouse thief', 'Sluagh embassy', and 'lots of damage'. Elizabeth, in a crucially timely manner, appears behind D'arcy with a laden tray of food. Wordlessly she drops the tray onto the table, causing D'arcy to flutter back as stray food splatter comes his way. Elizabeth shoots him a nasty look, and to this one he seems utterly bewildered. His attention is stolen entirely by Elizabeth as she swivels away from the table and makes a show of disregarding the fairy lieutenant. D'arcy shakes his head, then makes a gesture with his hand as he flutters noisily towards the door. "This is a waste of time, we're going back to the Garrison if anyone has any details or concerns they wish to contribute to our search." And as D'arcy exits the front, Elizabeth slams her hands onto the bar-- startling poor old Abbot in the process as it shakes under her Boggart strength-- before rushing with some haste out the back. Old Abbot looks as if he's about to follow her into the kitchen, but has to turn and catch a few bottles that had nearly toppled in Elizabeth's display of annoyance.