A chariot. With golden-antlered “deer.” Thundering right through a crowd. It’s been less than a day! It’s barely been half a day! She got [i]shot![/i] When did she have the time to put any of this together? Is she just…always ready to kidnap random people off the street, or, or make grand exits?! Oh beans she’s not stopping Yes, he [i]knows[/i] Amali, he knows! Give him a second! He’s picking up the crossbar and starting to move, see? The crowd around them’s already in motion. Parting, not stampeding. Pressing in tighter, as best as they can. Individuals seek out cracks between the bigger groups, and everyone gives the wagons and carts as wide a berth as they can. It’s chaos. It’s a rush. And he remembers everyone around them. Jaks- and wife beside them. Family on a cart ahead and to the left. Little family groups here, here, here, here, over there, and here. He sees them move. He sees where they’re headed, what they’ll avoid, where they’re going to be. He throws his weight against the rickshaw and [i]pushes[/i]. The gap opens just as he steps into it. People give rickshaws as wide a berth as carts and wagons. They’re hard to miss, see. Once one gets rolling, nobody’s going to get in its way if they can help it. People behind him, people like Jaks-, they have a wide lane to follow behind as they scamper to safety. No need to shove. He’ll have full control, from start to stop. These are all good points, and if anybody mentions it later, he’ll blink, think about it, and say, really, he wasn’t thinking that far ahead, with a chuckle at his own foolishness. Read the crowd. Cause no harm. When necessary, create a new flow. In that moment, nothing more existed in the eyes and mind of Hazel. Really, it was a lucky thing no one got hurt. [Rolling to Defy Disaster, risking Hazel’s own physical safety: 4 + 6 + 2 = [b]12[/b]]