[hider=Matthew Whitney][center][img]https://imgcdn.stablediffusionweb.com/2024/2/22/4c86195d-87b4-418e-8514-bb05a6930d95.jpg[/img] [url=https://fontmeme.com/calligraphy-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240728/8bd84c3fa07431256db4869fba083227.png[/img][/url] [b][color=plum][h3]Demographics[/h3][/color][/b] [u]Gender:[/u] Male [u]Age:[/u] 20 years [u]Birthday:[/u] 6 August [b][color=plum][h3]Candy Hair Magic[/h3][/color][/b] [u]Magic Level:[/u] B-class [hider=Spells][h3]Hair Whip[/h3] The user manipulates their hair, as if it were an actual whip and makes it durable enough that it can be used to attack their target. [h3]Advanced Hair Whip[/h3] The user elongates their hair and fires several bundles of hair straight at the target. [h3]Absorb[/h3] The user's hair absorbs any liquid that is in contact with it. It has been said that one should never absorb oil or alcohol, because it would damage their hair. [h3]Hair Claw[/h3] The user wraps their hair around their own arms and forms it into claws with which they strengthen any physical attacks they might use on their target(s). [h3]Candy Rain[/h3] The user shoots small pieces of their hair at their target(s) and turns their structure into something similar to cotton candy. This makes it seem as if cotton candy is raining horizontally towards the target(s). Due to the stickiness, this attack may be used to stick targets to an object or each other or to stick body parts together. Multiple targets may be immobilized. [h3]Candy Wrap[/h3] The user elongates their hair and shoots it towards the target in order to wrap itself around the target and immobilize them. The user can transform the hair into a cotton candy like structure to enhance the effect of this move. However, with beginner or average wizards this attack will weaken when used on several targets at once. [h3]Candy Floor[/h3] The user spreads individual hairs all over the floor and turns them into a cotton candy like structure in order to stick the target(s) feet to the ground and immobilize them. This move is hard to evade, since it is hard to notice the individual hairs, although the move is sensitive to wind breezes. [h3]Candy Wall[/h3] The user forms a wall out of their own hair, transforming it to have a cotton candy like structure. It protects the user and its allies against physical attacks and may even protect against some magical attacks, although the magical attack will probably damage the hair. [h3]Surrounding Candy Wall[/h3] This is an advanced version of the Candy Wall that completely surrounds the user and its allies. [h3]Candy Platform[/h3] The user elongates their hair and transforms it into a cotton candy like structure in order to form a platform in the air, connected to the ground, on which they can stand. [h3]Candy Vine[/h3] The user elongates their hair and transforms it into a cotton candy like structure in order to swing themselves around with it like Tarzan does with vines in the jungle.[/hider][b][color=plum][h3]Personality[/h3][/color][/b] [u]Personality:[/u] Matthew is a very optimistic and honest guy, who will try to help anyone - although he doesn't often know what to do and thus might ruin plans or destroy stuff if not given proper directions. Whenever someone tells a story or simply talks about something to him, he will listen intently and probably stare a lot, which might make them uncomfortable. This is his way of showing genuine interest in others. Throughout his life, he often got away with stuff because of his good nature and his habit of complimenting people all of the time. However, he can be quite lazy or try to talk his way out of actually working for his money. [u]Strengths:[/u][/center]1. He easily sees the good qualities of other people and recognizes them by complimenting them often. 2. Since he absolutely adores cute animals, he will do anything to protect them and not let them get hurt due to problems between humans. 3. He has a very curious nature, which makes him into a good listener. 4. He can be very enthusiastic about basic things. [center][u]Weaknesses:[/u][/center]1. He needs to make sure that his sugar intake is high enough to transform his hair into a cotton candy like structure. Although, since the hair is not actual cotton candy, it won't be as sensitive to liquids. 2. It costs him more magical energy to turn his own hair into a cotton candy like structure than using simple hair magic. 3. Since he absolutely hates fighting, he will do anything to prevent it (acting too lazy to work, trying to talk his way out of battling, etc.). 4. He forgets that his hair only turns into a cotton candy like structure instead of actual cotton candy. He will try to eat his own hair at times and then be disappointed when it doesn't taste like candy. [center][b][color=plum][h3]History[/h3][/color][/b] Matthew Whitney was born to Samantha Martin and Ronald Whitney, two important figures in the local branch of a huge crime ring. Samantha and Ronald were mostly absent during Matthew's childhood, which is why his education and upbringing was left to their not-so-empathetic assistents. He was mistreated and basically taught to fight for his own life or he simply wouldn't survive in that world. The plan of the family and their assistents was that Matthew would follow in their footsteps, but his heart was too good to allow that to happen. The mismatch between his environment and himself caused him to cry a lot and generally be unhappy all of the time. His punishments were to go without food or water for a very long time, nearly enough to kill him, and then they would show up with the bare minimum to keep him alive just in time. It was actually his magic that protected him and helped him survive during this time. With his Candy Hair Magic, he became able to hide things like canned food, bottled drinks or objects inside his own hair. The cotton candy like structure helped to stick the items to his hair, so they wouldn't move out of their places when he moved himself. Even though it was hard for him to get his hair to the same length every time after using his magic, his environment never found out about his magic. His acting skills also improved greatly, since he had to act as if he was almost dying while having enough food hidden to not feel weakened or hurt at all. The police was able to bring their branch down by going undercover. Most members were arrested, the lives of some other members were ended in the process. Rarely, such as the case with Matthew, members were let go with a simple warning. Due to his good nature, they realised he was only unlucky with the environment he grew up in and thus they put him into a foster family. Even though he lived with his parents in Fiore, the foster family they send him to was in Pergrande. The reason behind this was to put him as far away as possible from possible other members of the crime ring being near the branch. [b][color=plum][h3]Writing Sample[/h3][/color][/b] This morning was not really different from the previous ones, but Matthew felt different nonetheless. He stood up immediately after his alarm rang - like usual - and put on his best clothes. Like he did every single morning, he looked at himself in the mirror for a while. 12 years. That's how old he was when he started living with the foster family. It had been 8 years already. He simply couldn't believe it. 8 whole years ago, he left his toxic environment to come live with this adorable family who treated him the way he felt he deserved. He could still remember the days with his biological family as if they happened yesterday, but he chose to ignore them. After going down the stairs, he was almost instantly attacked by his two younger siblings, Emma and Timmy Davis. They were fraternal twins, 6 years old. His foster parents were already done with breakfast and ready to leave for work. His father James Davis was an accountant, while his mother Lola Anderson was a kindergarten teacher. They had very different personalities, but got alone very well nonetheless. Matthew felt like this was his opportunity to talk to them about his future. All his teachers congratulated him with how fast he picked things up after being placed in the foster family. They said he was behind in every single subject due to the upbringing from his biological parents, but that he was a very fast learner. Recently, he finally achieved his secondary school degree. It was time for Matthew to start a new chapter in his life. Since he needed his parents' advice on how to proceed, he decided that it was time for him to be completely honest to them... about everything. This was the first time since being placed in the foster family that he told anyone about his magic and to his surprise, his foster parents were very enthusiastic and accepting about it. Samantha and Ronald didn't look like it, but they had connections with some of the War Mages within the country. They decided that using his magic for a good cause would be a nice way to let go of the past and work on the future. Matthew thought about it for a moment and although using his magic once again scared him, he agreed with the duo. This time, he would have to lie. He wouldn't have to fight for his life. He wouldn't have to hurt people who didn't deserve it. He could be honest about everything and nobody would be there to punish him for it. However, there was a huge mismatch between the behaviour and values of the War Mages and himself. They weren't exactly welcoming to him, since he was considered to be filth that Fiore wouldn't keep, and so they didn't want to waste any time on him. After Matthew told Samantha and Ronald about the unfortunate encounters, they mentioned the Rising Starborn wizard guild in Rembrandt. This seemed to be way more interesting to Matthew. People who probably treated each other like family and did what they thought was right. It seemed too good to be true. This was something he really wanted to try out. Matthew took his bernese mountain dog Belle and decided to rent an apartment the dog could stay at while he went to introduce himself to the people in the guild. It might have been a stupid idea to rent a place to stay at before being accepted, but he did impulsive stuff like that once in a while when he found a new passion. [/center][/hider]