Colleen Witches House [@Pyromania99][@VitaVitaAR] [hr] "I dunno either, but I'd rather not wake up somewhere unfamiliar again." Colleen responded to the fairy with a shrug as the mushroom creature approached, the six of them gathering around her. One, the apparent leader? Came only up to about her knee. It pointed at her accusatorily. Colleen frowned. Well, yeah, she could understand that it was rather concerned about her blowing up its house...but she wouldn't do that! Probably! "Ahah, is that all?" She'd say, kneeling down and patting the mushroom thing on the head. "Dont you worry your weird shaped head about it, I'm not gonna intentionally blow anything up." That was definitely reassuring. "What are these weird little guys anyways?" She'd ask.