[center][h3]??? — Smithy[/h3][/center] After retrieving anything even remotely usable from the smithy, the group would be met with silence as they left. A brief glance towards the church in the distance would show that the bell had stopped ringing at this point in time, and with no indication that whoever (or [i]what[/i]ever) had sent it swinging before was apt to do so again meant that their brief freedom to explore with no threat of the undead bearing down upon them was gone. For what little it was worth, it seemed that the zombies that had gathered had not yet begun to move back to where they had been before. There were only so many other places to head towards, though. Checking out the other shops and homes in the area was an option, as was simply heading [i]away[/i] from the horde of zombies that would eventually bear down upon them once more. There was a stone wall visible in the far distance, which would at least mark the edge of the city; whether or not it was worth seeking safer shelter was up to the trio present, though. If the trio was confident in their abilities, though, maybe heading towards the town's center was also an option. Doing so would be quite the feat, but it wasn't [i]wholly[/i] impossible... [@VitaVitaAR][@RolePlayerRoxas][@Aku the Samurai]