[b]Tsane![/b] Okay, so(1) Mana is a fascinating topic, and the history of Arcane Philosophy is an endless sequence of wizards making really bad analogies about Mana in an attempt understand this vital force. Mana is like fire, a sequence of raw power that can be used to power the mechanisms of spells! Mana is like water, adapting to take on the characteristics of whatever shape it is poured into! Mana is like wood, growing and adapting a self-reinforcing ecosystem around it! So on and on endlessly, it's worth pulling back from answers that may be more correct than others(2) to talk about mana's fundamental observable qualities. 1: There are different kinds of mana. Different schools categorize it differently, but generally agree there are at least 6 and fewer than 16,777,216 varieties. 2: Mana shapes and is shaped by its environment. The mana naturally at rest inside a healer becomes more associated with healing magic; release that mana into the air without the focus of a spell and it'll start doing healer-y things over time to the environment; cleaning and restoring etc. 3: Heartblades are the ultimate form of magic because they represent one hundred percent mana efficiency. There is no wastage or slowdown, they're a frictionless manifestation of potential that can be withdrawn back into the self and recycled fully. This is all to say, watching this idle working of the Goddess is far, far more interesting than anything that could ever be said here(3). Whatever Civelia is doing is potentially a revolutionary breakthrough in the Arcane Science, something that couldn't be replicated without shattering a great number of extremely expensive magical items in the process. It also hasn't escaped her notice for how weird it is for Civelia to be breaking something at [i]all[/i]. What does any of this mean? [hider=(1): On Wizards]Before going any further it is worth formally repeating that Tsane is a wizard, and whenever the topic of the wizard subculture comes up on crossword puzzles then the preceding word is more often than not something like 'hubris', 'mad', 'overconfident', 'evil', 'opinionated', 'overconfident', etc. A wizard must, by their nature, have big opinions about reality and those opinions are not guaranteed to reflect the actual reality. In fact, when a wizard is proven factually wrong about something, they are statistically more likely to conclude that reality is wrong and set about a great and terrible Working in order to fix it. So. Grain of salt.[/hider] [hider=(2)]'Mana is like fungal gelignite' is the most convincing analysis so far btw.[/hider] [hider=(3)]Though she's privately stoked at the idea of breaking into the dragon mansion. Imagine getting to observe a magical creature like that up close - or see how it interacted with Sayanastia! And imagine getting to do field work while surrounded by maids! Actually, she's wildly hoping for this now, that sounds practically utopian(4)[/hider] [hider=(4)]In Tsane's fantasy, all of the maids flock to her in awe and terror of her arcane power and shower her with affection and praise, and also their skirts are definitely way below regulation length. Tsane has never had her ass kicked by a maid and so doesn't really appreciate where the 'knight' part factors in.[/hider] [b]Kalentia![/b] "Hey, hey, easy there, it's okay," said Kalentia, kneeling down and holding both of her hands up. "Look, I know I've got no right to anything you want to keep private. After I'm done and you're better, if you want, I can get Tsane - my wizard friend - to erase my memory of today. It'll be like this never happened, okay? But for now I just need you to take it easy and work with me. You're very sick, and we both need to try our best for your recovery." No amount of training or cleverness or knowledge could substitute for this; a healer's kindness. It wasn't much, but it was as sincere as she ever could be. [Comfort and Support: 7]