[hider=A. Diamond] [center][b][h1][i][b]A[/b] n n a l i s a[/i][/h1][/b][color=gray][b]“What do you mean, sir? I've been here the whole time!”[/b][/color] [hider=image][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/d6/1a/22/d61a22220836c1553881f5da7f03a657.jpg[/img][/hider][/center] [b][u]Name[/u][/b] Alias: Annalisa Diamond Real Name: Javelina Coswell [b][u]Age[/u][/b] 28 [u][b]Gender[/b][/u] Female [b][u]Company[/u][/b] Vira-Legat Bioengineering [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] Miss Annalisa Diamond is at once the most useful and useless kind of employee. Sweet and kind but unambitious and somewhat vapid, she's the 'gofer;' the woman you send to do meaningless busywork; getting cups of coffee, organizing cabinets, that kind of thing. That's not to say she's unintelligent; she just...has a ceiling, and she's not likely to get any higher. Javelina 'Jav' Coswell is...[i]very[/i] different. Whipcrack smart and highly driven, with a bloodhound's nose for information, a mind like a steel trap, and a real knack for thinking on her feet, Jav is [i]everything[/i] Annalisa isn't. Though not exactly [i]unkind,[/i] she has very little reason to be so most of the time. She's self-interested, yet she fully believes herself to be an altruist: to her, self-interest [i]is[/i] altruism, and once she gets clamps her teeth down into a story, she has no intention of ever letting go; she'll hold on like a pit bull until either it comes apart or she does. And all of this, the altruism, the stubbornness; all that she says or does is organized around a single, critical facet of her character. There are many values in the worlds. Peace, order, prosperity, conformity, hope. But to Jav, all of those pretty words are [i]meaningless[/i] before the altar of 'truth.' Truth, at any price. Truth, no matter the cost. [b][u]History[/u][/b] Annalisa Diamond was born in the high-rises of Mars' Valles Marineris to a family of obscene wealth. Raised with more money than she could even understand, her father eventually bought her a place (that she was rather unqualified for) in Vira-Legat, hoping to use her as a bargaining chip to get into the doors of the company. There's not a good reason for her to be on Kepler; just money and politics. Annalisa Diamond also doesn't exist. Oh, the Diamond family does, assuredly; and the identification she has checks out in every way. But she certainly wasn't born in Valles Marineris. Javelina Coswell was born in the slums of the Martian north, and spent her childhood in abject poverty. And disgust. Utter disgust, at the corruption she saw around her. At the money and food and power flowing between the already wealthy and powerful. So as she aged into a teenager, she decided to do something about it. Showing the first of her investigative chops, she managed to sneak into the Governer's residence, find all of the money on his system, every record of every transaction. So she downloaded them, and uploaded them into the network for all to see. Before the month was out, the governor had been shot. The heady kick of truth had infiltrated Javelina and locked itself inside her, and there was nothing she could do to stop it. So she got a job as an investigative journalist (with what little journalism meant on Mars), and set herself to finding out the truth. Nothing major; bits here and there, frauds exposed, corruption shined a light upon, all on a local scale regardless where she moved on Mars, but anything was something, right? And now, things have gotten bigger. Recently, she found an interesting tip from a source she trusted: on the vaunted Kepler, Vira-Legat was [i]up to something,[/i] and it was up to her to find out what. Her curiosity was fatally piqued, the opportunity to investigate one of the big megacorps in an official capacity too much for her to pass up. So she took the cover--lucky it didn't require her to be qualified!--and shipped out. The truth was waiting. [/hider]