[color=9e0b0f][b]Don Dominic Omerta - Gomorrah [/b][/color] “Exactly correct my dear. My, my: [i]ravishingly[/i] beautiful [b]AND[/b] intelligent - a potent combination. HA!” Dominic replied with a hearty chuckle, “But yes Mr. House is, was, a true genius in his time. Only a fool would deny it - he was a captain of industry beyond any other and its only because of him that New Vegas is here at all. I feel nothing but gratitude towards the man for what he did for us - indeed the Mojave itself owes him a great debt.” “However…” Dominic continued, his voice lowering into a more somber tone, “While one cannot deny the inherent brilliance of the man, one also must acknowledge that his glory days are well and truly past. He’s a broken man now - the NCR crushed his last shred of pride and has reduced him to a shell of his former self. He no longer has the drive, or the will, to see his plans for New Vegas carried out. The man wallows in self pity in his literal ivory tower day after day, and never talks to anyone. The only interaction anyone, even his most loyal employees, has with him is through the silent monotonous protocols of his remaining Securitron police force.” Dominic sighed, clasping his hands in front of him as his gaze shifted between all three of the Vault dwellers, “And this is where I must ask for your help, and your discretion: as the Omertas newest friends and allies, I hope I can trust you on both accounts.” “House [b]must[/b] be removed from power,” Dominic said finally, exhaling a breath like a great weight had been lifted off his shoulders, “His not fit to rule Vegas anymore. The Three Families need to take over now, and ensure direct rule over Vegas. We’re pretty much doing that as is - but we lack the control over House’s systems and network that would allow us to ensure so much more is done for the people of Vegas.” “For instance the flood that just recently wrecked so much devastation on Outer Vegas?” Dominic added with a sneer, “Do you know how much aid House gave or how many of his securitrons helped in the rescue efforts? None. 0. Zip. The families stepped up and did the work that House himself should have been coordinating. It's beyond inexcusable: as Chief Executive of New Vegas he should have been leading the charge and ensuring his people's well-being. Instead he did nothing.” “Understand, I have no interest in killing House. Indeed I’d like to ensure the exact opposite - I want him to enjoy a peaceful retirement as he well should, free of the burdens of leadership that he obviously no longer has any interest in taking part in. But for that to happen - I need technological expertise that the Omertas simply don’t have, and I need the help of outsiders I can truly trust and rely on.” “What do you say?” Dominic finished finally, looking at each of them in turn with a hopeful expression.