Thankfully for Fellwing, Garrock was more prioritized on gaining height than distance in his flight, likely so he could better survey the ground in search of the mineshaft Skobeloff had mentioned. As such, Fellwing had a clear a view of him as she navigated the terrain below. However, unlike Garrock who had a mostly clear sky in front of him, Fellwing had to deal with a bit of woodland in between her and the mine. At first it didn't seem too bad, especially compared to the vast jungle she'd had to traverse back on Stargaze's island... but as she walked further, she started to feel an odd prickling sensation beneath her scales, like there was a volatile energy in the air. The more she walked forward, the worse this feeling go, until it actually started to feel painful to move. Even stranger than that, if Fellwing at any point stops walking forwards and pauses for a few moments, she'll notice that she's actually being pushed back, her feet very slightly starting to slide backwards in the direction she has just come from. [hr] Lazward furrows his brow as Skobeloff introduces himself and his companion to the winged drake. In particular, the description of Stargaze seemed to confuse him, and he tilts his head at her. [color=29465B]"She's a... bean?"[/color] he says. After looking at the white drake for what most might consider an uncomfortably long amount of time, he shakes his head and turns his gaze back to Skobeloff. He seems to take some offense at the trickster's words because he puffs up his chest slightly. [color=29465B]"It's not just '[i]gems and stuff[/i]',"[/color] he says. [color=29465B]"I've been trying to gather different stone samples from all across the isles, and they contain traces of several varieties of magic, from those of the moons, to nearby elementals, to even fae influence."[/color] He points to a specific stone, that seemed to the untrained eye like an unremarkable lump of stone. [color=29465B]"That one was a gift from one of my parents' former clutchmates, when they went up north to visit one of the troll kingdoms. Trolls have a very strong connection to stone, almost as strong as that of earth elemental, and they're very protective of their mountains. Almost every mineral down there has some special use to them, so for them to let dragons take any is a great honor."[/color] He looks around his shelves. [color=29465B]"In fact, quite a few of these I wouldn't be able to replace if anything happened to them."[/color] As if on cue, the vine he had previously been fighting started to inch upwards towards the rock he had been pointed at. He scowled and gave it a hard smack with his feather duster. [color=29465B]"Which is why I can't afford to lose even a single one!"[/color] As he's doing this, Coryn finally seems to return. [color=FF7F7F]"Hey Laz, I saw Rudrick coming out of here a second ago, is everything-"[/color] He stops when he enters the room and sees the two younger drakes. [color=FF7F7F]"Oh, hey! I think I saw you in the lab earlier. What are you doing in my room?"[/color] He then pauses, and cranes his neck to look past them. [color=FF7F7F]"And why is Lazward attacking my Creeping Violet?"[/color] [hr] Rudrick seemed a little less urgent to leave the Snouthold than his brother before him, and as such Shieldwing had no problem catching up to him. In fact, just as he was gaining on him, Rudrick had paused in his jaunt to greet another dragon who was coming from the opposite way, and stopped very abruptly, meaning Shieldwing might almost run into the back of him if his reflexes aren't good enough. Regardless, Rudrick notices him and, after the bidding farewell to his comrade, turns around to speak the drake. [color=8D3A19]"Oh hey,"[/color] he says cheerfully. [color=8D3A19]"I thought you'd want to stay with your friends. Is everything okay?" [/color]