[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210425/60d4cad31d79f05670a6f5376d410cd8.png[/img][/center] [Right][color=6ecff6]Interactions: Nolan [@Remram], DM [@Zarkun][/color][/right] The guardsmen wanted to help, and Ria certainly couldn't deny them the right to do their job. They were nervous, they were underskilled for an alpha to be part of the attack, but this was what they were trained to do anyway. "[color=6ECFF6]Okay, so when it comes time for the shield to drop, we will work together to ensure the vehicles arrive safely, and Nolan and I will do our part to keep everyone in one piece.[/color]" Safe wasn't exactly a word to use with Asterin. The armor she had provided everyone would do them at least a little good to keep them safe from an Asterin's bite, but it would break eventually and they wouldn't have it for future attacks once she dispelled the water to hydrate the grass near the outpost once they arrived. But having a game plan was better than nothing. [i][color=C0C0C0]It'll have to do.[/color] [color=B0E0E6]After all your plans always fail when you rely on water to do what ice does better.[/color][/i] Nolan was right to not be confident in her plan. It was a half-cocked idea in the first place. Ria swallowed and let out a slow breath to steady herself. What she hadn't expected was Nolan to turn his focus on her. She blinked any self-doubt from her eyes the moment his hand touched her shoulder. [i][color=B0E0E6]If? When...[/color][/i] "[color=6ECFF6]No one is dying today.[/color]" She offered him a confident smile and patted his hand before he let go of her shoulder. As soon as his back was turned, her smile fell and her stomach knotted. Why was she making these promises? Her father's voice personified the knowledge deep in her gut she would find a way to mess up her part. History loved repeating itself. She shook herself from the thought and quickly mounted her horse. She didn't want to spook any of the guardsmen by casting and maintaining magic on the back of their horse, especially if they weren't used to riding double. She trusted her horse was trained enough to allow her to focus on the magic while it stayed with the group, but to be sure she rode to be as centered as she could with the group so she could create a dome rather than shape the spell - the less she had to put effort into the spell, the easier it would be to maintain. Properly seated, animal calmed, Ria let out another calming breath and cleared her mind of her worries as best she could. "[color=7FFFD4]Water-make Barrier,[/color]" was accompanied by her raising her hands over her head then lowering them to the ground. Water rippled and flowed down around the group. The water swirled and whirled fast, splashing droplets to wet the ground around the edges and allowing a sense of cool air from the constant powerful current. Her eyes closed as the convoy began to move again. Only the feel of the reins in her hand kept her grounded to her horse. The rest of her focus was on the dome of the barrier, keeping it moving as if it were attached to her by a giant pole so it moved with her.