[color=808080] [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/OwZNeFr.png[/img][/center] [hr] Sunni noticed Elara’s [@Qia] expressions changing when he told his story about Enu the little desert fox. It was a child's tale and he understood that she might find it humorous or stupid that he was telling her such a story but he found that they still helped him at times. A faint smile appeared on his face when she thanked him. He was a little surprised, but he was happy to hear that his telling of such a story meant something to her. “[color=a93226]I hope it helps.[/color]” The brightness coming from the woman seemed to brighten him up as well, that goofy smile of his growing, and his eyes brightening a little. Did she enjoy walks, unlike rocks? He wondered. Then her expression changed and it seemed clouded and harsh compared to the brightness she initially reacted with which caused his body to shift and his smile to fade to a neutral expression. [color=a93226]Maybe you shouldn’t have asked her to take a walk with you… She’s probably remembering how much of a fool you made out of yourself last night. You idiot…[/color] The thoughts crossed his mind as he nodded to himself, his arms tightening in the cross over his chest, as he was preparing for a rejection. For some reason, it felt like maybe his offer about a walk had more energy to it. More emphasis as he thought about it. Maybe he shouldn’t have asked her to do that. His amber eyes fell to the ground while he thought about it. Her comment didn’t fully process through his head as he responded, “[color=a93226]I unde —[/color]” That was when it hit him. She didn’t reject the offer. “[color=a93226]You suppose?[/color]” The question got a smile out of him as he perked up a little. He was surprised that she was even willing to do such a simple thing with him after last night. Maybe he should apologize for that? No… that would ruin everything. Would it? He still felt awful about the whole thing. Comparing her to dead people and rocks. After a night of thinking about it, he was surprised Elara did not find him weird and didn’t want to completely avoid him. Sunni shrugged his shoulders at the thought, “[color=a93226]I’m not trying to talk to Flynn at the moment. I think they both need a little time before questions start being asked of them,[/color]” The man was not looking forward to trying to talk to his friend about what happened between him and Octavia. It seemed to be worse than he thought it was. They were fighting. Elara confessed oddly about the situation. What was happening and why was he out of the loop of everything? Letting his crossed arms fall, he walked over by Elara, with a smile, as he offered her his hand, “[color=a93226]Shall we?[/color]” Sunni planned on walking around the lake. He was mentally preparing himself for the woman to think he was weird — he was definitely going to be looking at rocks and things on the walk. [hr] [/color]