[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240725/47e4c8517bf2321ad38e78679e6d72e6.png[/img][/center] He raised his head, the hand felt heavy on his shoulder, and unfamiliar. The words were... they were, that was the best description he could give them, he recognized them as advice, from anyone else he would have blown them off. It was the same thing he did with others back in the Rokungai. But not the Kenpachi, this was a man who could kill him without moving a muscle and that was something that had to be respected. He gave the man a nod. He was still shaken, more than he had ever been but he would heed the advice, his purpose would find him. He just hoped it was soon, if a purpose was what allowed the Captain to grow to his current strength then... But first thing first, looking back at the man he spoke. [color=ed1c24]"Thank you"[/color] Words rarely uttered left his lips, he couldn't remember the last time he said them, maybe he never did. The man had left an impression on him, few words, yes, but the familiar feeling of burning fire beneath his skin roared with newfound vigor. Head raised high his mind went back to stalls, maybe he would find a familiar face, maybe not. But he was going to enjoy himself.