[center][h2][color=9e0b0f][b]D[/b][/color][/h2][/center] [hr] D huffed and scoffed at the scientist. His eyes darted rapidly beteen the guards. His inner voice beckoned [color=9e0b0f][i]"Try me!"[/i][/color] Earlier, a challenge might have paid off. Whatever the goons had done to do him in the last time wouldn't work when... or if... his surge of strength rediscovered him. But for the time being, the device the soldiers had used continued to dull that power. D hoped it was just temporary; he was starting to worry that the whole thing had been a fluke caused by adrenaline or something, and the lingering throb in his fist stood in testament to that. He dropped his arms loosely to his side and nodded, first to VV and then to the scientists. They had all, for what it was worth, survived the previous experiments done on them. There was no reason for D to suspect any different; it was evident that they meant more to the scientist alive than dead. He followed into the D-Wing, past veiled gurneys and closed operating rooms. He landed compliantly upon an operating table before the anesthesia lowered him into the dark of sleep. [hr] [right][color=440e62][i]You belong to me.[/i][/color][/right] [hr] D awoke upon a metal gurney, still cold despite the fact that he had seemingly been upon it for some time. His head throbbed in sharp pain as the vision returned to his eyes. The scene his eyes opened to echoed that which he had seen under anesthesia. Had he died? He knew that couldn't be it; how would he be here if he had? He felt a single droplet running from his eye and along his cheek as he turned his head in towards the others. He made to wipe the tear from his face, finding his arm reach just short as it pulled against the chain and cuff that restrained him; his was considerably thicker than that of the other, meaning the labcoats were aware of his strength. [color=9e0b0f]"Fuck!"[/color] He breathed out the barely audible curse, twisting his hand into a more comfortable position. He became aware of the nurse sitting at the center of the quad of gurneys. The nurse went on about some dark, hooded figure they were deal with. VV sounded unsure if they could, and A protested. D let out a half-chuckle. [color=9e0b0f]"Well,"[/color] he said, waving a restrained hand. [color=9e0b0f]"If it gets us off these slabs, and some time out of this shithole, I say, why not?"[/color] He gazed a full circle around to VV, A, and Pia, his expression one of reassurance. He settled onto the woman between them. [color=9e0b0f]"I'm in."[/color]