[table][row][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/j9mV6hR.png[/img][/center][/cell][cell] [color=#50b0f1][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240629/57df751a266d6e4baddbd7c7a66ea466.png[/img][/center][/color] [indent][hr][/indent][hr] [indent][color=ff7f00]Location:[/color] Kikka, in the Coliseum [color=ff7f00]Interactions:[/color] [@Xaltwind] Nephertys [color=ff7f00]Mentions:[/color] / [/indent][/cell][/row][/table] [indent][/indent]Solveig’s moment of grim determination lasted but a few minutes. As she flew loops around the battlefield, exhilaration crept in, and a grin spread across her features. The fight with Alwin had been epic; she’d been too busy thinking about capturing her target in the moment to fully appreciate it, but looking back on it, a shiver of thrill ran down her spine. She’d been free falling! Even in mid-air, she’d pulled off a maneuver she’d [i]never[/i] tried before. And she’d succeeded! She cheered herself on silently, performing a corkscrew spin with her broom for the sheer fun of it. Solveig knew the fight was far from over. But who had ever said that taking it fully serious meant she couldn’t have fun with it? She didn’t want to be someone who lost the ability to enjoy life, like her dad had. She believed a love and joy for life was, in fact, exactly what would propel her ever onwards. If she [i]could[/i] appreciate the good times, then she was sure to fight with rabid ferocity to ensure that others could experience that too. Around her, a brutal mid-air brawl was taking place, and it wasn’t long before Solveig, who had secured her sphere became a target for a few of the sphere-less individuals. By now, the participants scarcely had a choice [i]but[/i] to steal targets from others, and many had teamed up to increase their chances. A team of three came at her. There was a heavyset girl with a tanned complexion and choppy dirt blonde locks wielding a spear of iron in her left hand. She’d crafted a helmet and a breastplate from her magic; the helmet lent her the appearance of a fierce sabertooth tiger, and for brief moment, Solveig marveled at the detailed creation her opponent had crafted. Flying by her left side and slightly to the back was a boy with a dark bronze complexion whose black hair framed a handsome face bearing a bloodthirsty grin. He wielded a saber, however Solveig couldn’t determine his magic type at first glance. To the right of the blonde was a nervous girl as thin as a twig and pale as a ghost, who had most of her face obscured by long ashen hair. She had numerous bubbles of differently coloured liquid surrounding her. The first to charge was the Iron Tigress, as Sol had nicknamed the spearwoman. [b]“HrraAAARRGH!”[/b] she yelled, flying straight at her. Focused as she was on the yelling amazon, Solveig didn’t notice the boy by her side whispering something. So, she was slightly caught off guard when the blonde’s yell resonated and [i]echoed[/i] strangely, as if amplified by something. She figured the effect must have been caused by the boy, whose magic she hadn’t been able to discern visually. However, the von Brandt was immediately threatened by the spear wielder, so the aim of the Sound Sabreur (as she now called the boy) wasn’t readily apparent to her at first. The spear point was advancing towards her. While the opponent’s weapon had longer reach, that advantage was more easily dealt with midair than on the ground. When Solveig flew up, the straight weapon couldn’t curve to follow her, so the Iron Tigress could either draw it back to follow with a stab in a different direction or she could lift it above her head so as to try and smack Sol with the length of its handle. Iron Tigress picked the latter, to which Solveig responded by whirling around, blocking with her sword, and letting the force of the hit carry her behind the blonde. [b]“360° Spears!”[/b] the Tigress shouted, and multiple spears appeared all around Solveig, aimed right at her. However, since Solveig was so closely positioned to her opponent, there was a human shaped gap right in front of her, where the enemy team’s leader herself was. Which did not stop the Tigress from reversing the grip on the spear she wielded and aiming an attack behind her. The noble heiress was in the middle of parrying Tigress’s weapon while trying to outmaneuver her concurrent magical spear attack, when that weird echo reached her again. It persisted, and the sound caused an uncomfortable throbbing in her head. A spell of dizziness hit her, and Solveig suddenly felt nauseous. [color=ff7f00]“F-fuck,”[/color] she muttered as she wobbled on her broom. Her parrying and flying became somewhat shakier, and arguably, she avoided some of the spears only because she dropped down to sit on her broom. Three spears flew by her so close they gave her glancing blows, partially breaking through her reinforcement magic, and leaving her with shallow bleeding lines on her left shoulder, right thigh, and left ankle. However, Solveig was still flying near the Iron Tigress, and so was able to retaliate with a slash to the girl’s left elbow. While her sword did not cut, the force of her swing produced an audible [i]crack[/i], and the iron mage shouted in clear pain as she suffered a broken bone. Even now, when his ally was in pain and had been forced to drop the spear she’d wielded, the sound mage used their team leader’s vocalization for another attack. Sound waves crept up to Solveig’s face. They pulsated, and finally hit the right frequency to dismantle the Dragon Scales around her nose and mouth. The young noble didn’t know specifically what they trio planned, but brought her sword in a defensive position in front of her head. At the same time, a shout of “T-the Invader!” resounded all around her, originating from the second girl who’d been quietly floating somewhere off to the side so far. [color=ff7f00][i]The Invader? The heck’s up with that name?[/i][/color] Solveig scrunched her nose, flying more carefully given the recurrent headaches and dizziness. Bubbles of liquid sluggishly flew towards her, trembling from the caster’s effort to direct them. Despite the sound mage’s efforts, and even with the Iron Tigress trying to get back into the game, Sol easily slashed through the bubbles. However, that seemed to work against her as the liquid particles suddenly sped up and splashed her in the face. Solveig spluttered and coughed but inevitably ingested a mouthful or two. It was a bitingly sharp, stinging sort of taste. The scent was distinct, and after a moment of surprise, the noble recognized it. [color=ff7f00][i]Alcohol?![/i][/color] It must have been quite potent and fast acting, because the von Brandt heiress was almost immediately affected by it. Her body felt looser, and it was only the strength of her will that made her clench her hand around her captured sphere. A flush coloured her cheeks, and she hummed joyfully as she looked at the three youths surrounding her. The poor dears did seem as if they could use some [i]relaxation[/i]. Solveig giggled at the constipated grimace on blondie’s face. She had a siege engine sized spear floating next to her which was rotating slowly but picking up in speed. [color=ff7f00]“Thaaa’sss a big drill!”[/color] she laughed gaily, swaying on her broom as she flew here and there erratically. Whether intentional or not, she evaded blondie, her flight path taking her right above Ghost girl. [color=slateblue]“Eeeep!”[/color] the poor pet shrieked, closing her eyes and covering her face as Solveig raised her sword above her head. [color=slateblue]“S-sorry!”[/color] she was trying to say something but the noble shook her head sadly. Really, a small scared rabbit like that had no place here. It was best if she was sent down below, where she’d be out of reach of all the chaos. The noble’s arming sword came swinging down, breaking ghostie’s broom in two. The ashen haired girl screeched as she fell down, but her screams cut off when she fainted. Sol peered after her, then nodded firmly to herself when she saw her being safely caught in the netting placed below the field. [color=ff7f00]“Sweet dreams!”[/color] she shouted after her even though she couldn’t hear. An annoying machine buzz approached. [color=ff7f00]“Nuh-uh,”[/color] the noble refuted the rotating spear, flying this way and that even as the spell kept following. Sound was still scrambled, but in her semi-drunk state, Sol didn’t even notice. Sabre boy came within range, frustrated his harassment from afar had no effect. [color=ff7f00]“Up left, slice right, ooh, stab,”[/color] she garbled several of his upcoming moves to the boy’s visible annoyance. Then, the machine noise was there again, and saber boy whirled on it in surprise. Meanwhile, the noble did the first thing to occur to her to her addled mind, which was to hook her legs around her broom, and turn upside down. The spear left another gash below each knee, but Sol was distracted by something big, shiny, and round in the near distance. [color=ff7f00]“Oooh!”[/color] she marveled. Meanwhile sabre boy ate most of the spear attack, and fell down. The young noble waved at him, but only got an enraged scream in return. It was another sound attack, which in her state, gave her such powerful nausea she threw up a bit. The bile flew right down, away from her, and floating down in the general direction of sabre boy. Hmm, that wouldn’t be fun to get hit by! She hoped he could avoid it. The spear’s whirring closed in again. Solveig wasn’t sure why, but she started feeling awful. Was it because she was still facing upside down? [color=ff7f00]“Urgh…”[/color] she squeezed her left palm. Good, she hadn’t let go of the thingamajig. She glanced at the big gleaming sphere in the distance, and awkwardly zig-zagged her way there. Her broom wasn’t entirely convinced to turn her the right way up. It shook itself like a dog drying off wet fur, then [i]accelerated[/i] towards the unknown, exotic looking mage. [color=ff7f00][b]“INCOMING!”[/b][/color] Solveig warned. While she made the sharp turn at the last second, curving around the girl’s barrier, the humongous drilling spear was heading straight at the girl’s protective bubble.