[center][h2]Anne Mayer[/h2][h3]Nieve[/h3][/center] A nameless girl, traumatized to the point of catatonia. Another mystery Anne didn't have time to solve. For every answer her party uncovered, a dozen more questions seemed to rear their heads, leaving the otherworlders hardly better off than they had been before. Just what, she wondered, would it take for them to find a way back home? Would it even be right for them to leave, if it meant abandoning the people of this planet to their fate? The Knight's doubts weighed heavily on her over the following days, and she found a welcome distraction in caring for the newest member of their band. If the child didn't open up, it wouldn't be for lack of trying on her part—she spoke to the girl often, telling her stories half-remembered from old books. At any given hour, one could often find Anne sitting peacefully by her new charge's side, or fretting over her like a particularly anxious nanny, who only reluctantly allowed her vampire companion to lean in for a quick blood sample. For the remainder of the journey, she at least seemed... If not happy, then at least content with her newfound purpose. Then the day arrived, and the walls of Nieve loomed before them all. They seemed relatively intact from the outside, which was a relief, but there would still be no time to waste in getting down to business. Though Anne didn't feel particularly happy about it, her duty here trumped any personal commitments, and she [i]had[/i] given Remilia her word before. With a small sigh, she guided the golden-haired girl to the remainder of the party, in particular the towering green robot among them. "Lewa, can you keep an eye on our young friend here? You can always take her with you while you look around." She remembered him talking about searching the city for signs of Lavielle, and that certainly sounded safer than walking into a nest of aristocratic vipers. Besides, the toa was arguably the most gentle and pacifistic of their entire party: who better to care for a helpless girl in Anne's own absence? The Knight punctuated her request with a rather insistent smile, and then hurried off after Remilia before he could voice a single word in protest. [i]I believe in you, Lewa![/i] She'd make it up to him later. It took her only a few seconds to catch up with the vampire, and she was only slightly out of breath when she did. "L-Lady Remilia, have you thought about how we're supposed to make our introductions? They won't have heard of what happened in Sila or Aventon yet, and besides those we won't have much to back up our claims..." Both of them were gifted in their own ways, but magic was already a thing here, and the denizens of the capital would surely be harder to impress than a bunch of country bumpkins. [@Lugubrious][@Izurich]