[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/wi7IBym.png[/img] [h2][b][color=fff79a]Rider - Jan Sobieski[/color][/b][/h2] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] An abandoned lot in Kyoto [b][u]Interacting with:[/u][/b] [@Letter Bee] [@Randomguy] [@GOATPlumber] [@Digmata][/center] [hr] This had become quite an eventful first night. Were all Grail Wars this hectic? How vexing that if Jan [i]did[/i] have experience in past Grail Wars, he didn't have that experience to draw on. Perhaps that was for the best, though. It meant every time he was summoned was the first time. The Wars could never become dull. But.. well, he had to confess he wasn't much of a fan of this one. For one, it seemed a great many innocents were in severe danger due to the corrupted nature of the grail. And for two.. Well, honestly. He was just kind of uncomfortable with the energy created in this alliance at the moment. Watching the stand off between Saber, her Master, and the newly revealed Arachne- [i][b][color=fff79a]How on earth are people so good at guessing identities..? I recognize her now that he's said the legend, but I'd never have gotten that just from an affinity towards spiders...[/color][/b][/i] -Well.. it was very tense. Using the Grail's modern knowledge, Jan was able to compare it to watching an argument occur that you were not involved in, but could not walk away from. Such as when you were a guest in someone's home. Seeing Saber's master attempt to defend her was rather odd, and clearly the other Servants felt the same. Saber was clearly a powerful warrior, she needed very little protection. But Arachne putting her hands (or strings, rather) on Saber's master felt like it was about to cause things to escalate, non-violent or no. So Jan hurriedly intervenes. He had a few words for Saber's master as well, namely that revealing a Servant's True Name while in an alliance with them was a bit uncouth. But he had no desire to pile on and escalate things. [b][color=fff79a]"Near the center, you say? Wonderful! It seems we have our target, then. Time to get going, I'd say!"[/color][/b] Jan declares as he physically interposes himself in the center of the conflict, body blocking both sides from one another as best as he was able. Not moving to defend either, but simply attempting to form a physical wedge to end the stand-off. This.. was actually not new territory for him. While Jan was not politically savvy, he was a friendly enough face that he was able to prevent arguments from escalating. That didn't mean he missed doing it, though. What was a bit awkward was that while he disapproved of the reveal of their new ally's name, he.. didn't have anything else to refer to her by when speaking to her. [b][color=fff79a]"Ms. Arachne, you said you'd be going with us, then? I notice you do not have a vehicle of your own. You're welcome to catch a ride with me on my steed. She isn't as mighty as the Warhorse I once rode, but I find it quite the charming modern vehicle. Ah, of course if you have your own method of transportation I will take no offense."[/color][/b] He was of course referring to his electric scooter. A very non-threatening, unimpressive vehicle. Though Shielder might have been aware that Jan had some ability to allow it to go far faster than it ought to have been, since he saw it briefly in action on the way over. [b][color=fff79a]"Either way, we ought to conclude the conversation and make our way over. I doubt our newly revealed foes will be content to wait patiently."[/color][/b]