[hr] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230312/5900f571789037c5830e3fbce607377e.png[/img][/center] [hr] Sleep did not come for Maxwell. Too much was running through his mind to rest enough to fall into a slumber. Anton’s words ran through his head over and over. What choice did Max have? He was too physically weak to fight against Anton let alone any of his men. It made sense that Anton would want his hands on Maxwell, after all being able to speak directly to various animals was likely advantageous for Anton’s trade. Eventually, though his barred window, Max could see the sun rising. He paced the room like a caged animal. He felt useless, he was useless. If only he had done what he was told and not left. He wouldn’t be in this situation. At least with Brutos he knew what he was getting, Anton was a wild card. Was he as cruel as Brutos made him out to be? Was his politeness the night before only an act to get Maxwell to drop his guard or was Anton actually a better option than the fishman? Only time would tell, he supposed. Little thought was required to make a decision. It felt like ages before he heard the lock click and the door opened. He looked over to see Anton standing in the open doorway. [color=3f1414]“So I assume you made the smart decision. Are we doing this the easy way or the hard way?”[/color] There was an unsettlingly gentle smile on the older man’s face that made Maxwell shrink backward briefly. [color=CC9466]“Easy.”[/color] The younger male replied after regaining some of his nerve. Anton’s smile turned from unsettlinging to genuinely happy as Max spoke. [color=3f1414]“Perfect, excellent choice. It will make everything so much more pleasant.”[/color] He motioned for Maxwell to exit the room. [color=3f1414]“Let's get you some breakfast, introduce you to some people and get you a change of clothes. We have about a week or so before your Shark friend comes back to the island, so plenty of time to see why working for me is so much better. Not to mention your skill set fits my line of work better anyway.”[/color] Anton seemed almost too excited to get started. After a set of plain clothes was tossed at Maxwell and he had changed into them he was brought to a rather large room. A meeting room of sorts? No, it seemed to be one big dining room. With chairs filled with people Max obviously didn’t know. Anton, who had been excitedly leading the smaller male around, made a huge sweeping motion to the people in the room. [color=3f1414]“Maxwell, meet everyone, well, the higher everyone, there are a bunch of lower level nobodies also but these are the important people.”[/color] After which Anton motioned to Max, [color=3f1414]“Everyone this is Maxwell, The Fish’s former greatest asset.”[/color] There was a gloating tone behind the man’s voice. Max looked over the maybe fifteen people in the room, all ranging in age, and what appeared to be background. His eyes looked over every face that was turned to look at him, some with interest, others with disgust, many with something in between. [color=3f1414]“I will get to names later for now all you need to know is these are my inner circle. The people who make moves within my operation, from acquisitions, to sales, even rumors since that is a huge trade here. Please take a seat.”[/color] Anton motioned to a seat nearest the end of the table where Anton himself clearly sat. Everyone still stared at the two of them as they made their way to the seats. Max noted that none of the people in these seats were the men who had gathered him. He wanted to relax but he couldn’t. His thoughts kept going to potential outs and how Brutus would react when he got back. Not to mention he still wasn’t sure this nice guy version of Anton was the real one. Nobody got to the spot he was by being nice. But for now he would wait, there would be a time to worry about all that later. For now he would listen, gather information, and wait. All things he was very good at.