[center][img]https://i.ibb.co/ydQRjSS/cooltext462476257658656.jpg[/img][/center] After asking her question to Jinzo, she watched him with slight contempt in her eyes although her expression would have mostly remained blank. She also knew that he was aware that even though she did slightly threaten him, she would have made good on her word if he had actually done so, which is what would make her so terrifying even though she was smaller compared to most of her classmates. But as she waited for Jinzo's response, she had really hoped he at least made progress with at least one higher up, even if it would be the captain of their current squad they were in. As much as Asami could act like a bit of a hard ass toward Jinzo when it came to when he could be lazy, she actually did care a bit about him making sure he gets what he wants from this life in the soul society and doesn't regret not taking any steps toward his goals that he had, even if she had none herself to speak of. When she saw his smug smile, a frown came to her face as she looked at him, with slight disgust creeping in her features as she listened to him describe his 'productive' conversation with the Lieutenant of Squad Three. Even if his wording was very suggestive and giving her ideas, she knew better when it came to Jinzo as that was sort of his way of making light of his conversations with his joking nature. She would take her last bite of her candied apple as he had told her that he hadn't gotten the Lieutenant's name which would make her shrug with disinterest even though she knew she hadn't gotten the name of the captain from squad six and gave him a nickname to his face. [color=a187be]"As long as you spoke to somebody, I guess it's fine."[/color] Asami said, seeming more disinterested but in a better mood from having a sweet food to help with her hunger. [color=a187be]"I was productive myself in at least letting my name be known to Squad Two and Squad Six. Yet I have no interest with Squad Six and what they are doing."[/color] Asami told him, at least sharing her experience albeit vaguely.