[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/T7qbbS2.png[/img] [h3]The Capital - Nieve[/h3] [/center] Four days of travel and occasional informal magic training later, and their destination was in sight. Indeed it was rather hard to miss, the vast settlement, with its high walls and castle towering above all, dominated the local landscape. It was also incredibly picturesque, and certainly a sight the witch-knight enjoyed taking in, both from afar and also once they were inside. That said, it was mostly the clean white aesthetics she was enjoying rather than any kind of enamorment with city life. The witch-knight had rather enjoyed her decade of peaceful life provincial farming that she’d lived on the outskirts of her world’s last settlement, which made the places they had been a lot more her speed than this one. That said, it was still a bit nostalgic for the world that had come before the sky broke, while also lacking the magitech that had destroyed it, so she’d deal with the hustle and bustle of the untold number of souls cycling through the wheel within these walls as best she could. Being able to float above it all now helped quite a bit with that as it turned out. All that said, after all their traveling she did think it would be nice to get a hot meal and a drink at a tavern, but it looked like at least some of their crew was going to get straight down to business. First on this was Lady Remilia, who immediately began striding off in the direction of the castle with the intent of meeting with its owner. That felt a bit overconfident to Rayne, it had to be said, and indeed Anne did conveniently put voice to those concerns when the woman ran after her. That left her to voice some other ones, which she did while drifting over head and asking “If we are splitting up, we should arrange a time and place to meet back up?” before making a suggestion: “When I was talking to the caravaners, they mentioned the ‘Dancing Donkey’ inn is a good place to stay in town. If we all head back there back there around sundown, we’ll have a place to meet, eat and spend the night” It was one for travelers, unsurprisingly given the source of the information, and one fairly close to the entrance to the city they’d just come in. That made pointing out/giving directions to the twos story building with a sign sporting a very jovial looking ass on it very convenient. Assuming she got agreement to that, from Anne and Lady Remilia, her next task was hunting down anyone and everyone else who’d set off on their own quest. For example, Lewa, who had apparently had child watching duty dumped on him? She had no idea why, but he seemed to have a plan, and with his size and distinctive appearance was relatively easy to spot from on high. As such, she’d catch up to him, fill him in on her plan before floating back to do the same for those who had yet to decide on where they were off to. Only after that, would she try and figure out where she herself was going. Perhaps to find a library, assuming they had a publicly accessible one, was her first thought, and, failing that, some place of gods or higher learning. Learning more about their apparently obscure kidnapping goddess could only help them, she thought.