[@DocTachyon] I mean, obviously if MB says no, that's the end of it. But I disagree with your analysis. The entire point of Transformers is their interactions with Humans. I mean, it was either Bob Budianski or Simon Firman (Can never remember which) always said "The Transformers came to Earth and took the disguise of our vehicles. What's the point of setting it on Earth if not to interact with humans." Plus, in recent media, a considerable chunk of Transformers Stories has been "How do they interact with Humanity?" IDWs comics were all about that, Rise of the Beasts and Bumblebee movies, as is the current Earthspark cartoon. Hell, the first season of Transformers Animated was about the Autobots fighting Human supervillains. As for scale, I tend to think of characters much in the D&D RP scale. Standard characters tend to be Common sized, which takes up a 5ftx5ftx5ft cube of space. Hulk would definitely be a large creature 10ftx10ftx10ft cube and honestly, thats where i was planning on outting most of my Transformers, like how they are in Transformers Animated. But then there are plenty of Marvel/DC Characters that are Huge sized that take up that 15ftx15ftx15ft cube of space, which is where i would put most of the bigger Transformers. I mean, Giganta is even bigger than that. Antman can become bigger than that. Atomsmasher, Sentinels/Master-Mold, Kluh, I think there is plenty of space for that.