[center][h1][color=orange]Crane[/color][/h1] Outside Fixeon Municipal Recycling Plant[/center] [hr] This was Crane’s first real mission, and she was eager to please. She was on her hands and knees, looking down into the screen that would give her the briefing required for intel. Back home, Ting Feng actually had a decent amount of experience taking care of leftovers. A terrifying knee-high lizard for other people was just a regular size lizard for her, able to be picked up between the fingers and relocated into the forest. Of course, she imagined the intensity of big city Leftovers would be much harsher, so she wasn’t going to be overconfident. Her face filled the entirety of the box in her live feed on the laptop screen during the conference. Ting Feng wasn’t offended by the ICOSA people, but many people seemed to be. Was there something she was missing? Regardless, Ting Feng was both excited and nervous about her first mission. — She clapped happily when she saw the truck bed provided for her, curling her legs against her and hugging them as she sat. It reminded her of the trains and boats she took to get to this big city, but, much cozier. Everyone was right there, next to her, within speaking range, but she was able to sit down and relax as she was moved through the city. Joyous! She ended up alongside Ardent. [color=orange]”Hello. I am Ting Feng.”[/color] She said over to the flying man. They were at eye level with each other. Flying people were the easiest to communicate with. Only they could see the world even higher than she could. Ardent voiced his suspicions and doubts. [color=orange]”I am sure the mission is important. It is not so bad to have someone stay behind.”[/color] She responded. As Lab Rat stopped the truck, Crane smiled. [color=orange]”Yes! The journey was pleasant. Thank you! Never have I felt so accommodated.”[/color] What followed was no ignoreable amount of tension between some ICOSA and HERO reps. Crane scratched her cheek and pretended not to hear, looking out over to the distant ocean. Thankfully, the hero known as ‘Freakshow’ (The name struck Crane as rather pejorative) began to give everyone the plan of how she thought things should be done. Crane listened intently to her plan. It all made sense to her. It was rather soothing to listen to. [color=orange]"Excellent. I will tend to the perimeter, then, outside the building. Yes?"[/color] She said, still sitting in the truck. Crane sighed. [color=orange]"I will squish them if I have too. But it will be quite gross."[/color] She would prefer to capture them. Or even throw, slam, or smash them, or kick them away. Stomping on them might be easy but it might be gross. There was a higher likelihood of...splatting.