[CENTER][h1][color=EB054D][b]RICO[/b][/color][/h1][/center][hr][right][sub]Collab with Hillan[/sub][/right] The shift from tourist trap to the more serious buildings of the temple district of Phoenix Beach had the normally bouncy Rico left with a stiffer gait as he walked in step behind. The open spaces were more dominated by heavy stone buildings, sun let onto the roads in part by large glass windows and apses, one or two workers rappelling up and down with water and rags to wipe them down. Colored banners were string from point to point, each slightly transparent and casting their tinted shade down. Rico may or may not have bumped into his guide a couple times while his sights were on the skies, not even noticing the waterways running by the walkways under small bridges. Soon they crossed a small park with a number of benches, a few men in bright suits or other formal wear enjoying a lunch break. Going up a huge stairway to the large temple, though the stone of the interior was only one color, the furnishings were no less vibrant than the outside. Potted plants dotted the halls, almost making the inside feel more like an outside then the path Rico just walked. They reached a large door, his guide poking his head in and calling. “Bossmans, I brought the kid.” Stepping back, he threw the door open, allowing Rico to step in. Walking inside the mostly empty room of the lower temple, ornately detailed, the bronze, copper and gold melting together into wonderful shapes, each screaming of the richest, both in money and in culture that stood at the rood of this proud kingdom. A man sat on a chair in the back of the room, built almost as a throne, yet also like an altar. It was up a few steps of stairs. It was clear it wasn’t built for a king, but rather for a spiritual leader, like a priest, a place to preach. “Come on in, my young boy. Confess your sins, be cleansed in the divine fire of the sun’s ever loving grace.” the man in the seat spoke, his voice booming, almost larger than life. For a couple of seconds, his voice hung in the air, until a mad cackling would replace it “FIFIFIFIFIFIFIFIFIFI Could you IMAGINE?! If I sounded like that?! WOW, what a stuck up he is, that brother of mine!” He leapt out of the chair, suddenly sliding down the short railing, appearing next to Rico, and then suddenly, also appearing on the other side, and once Rico looked back up at the seat, there he was, still sitting. The guard who had let Rico in put a palm to his face. “Ah, shit. Boss is out. Every time.” He said, as one of the triplets, waved him off. The door closed. Leaving the four men alone. Rico’s eyes glanced between the three Trenders, mouth agape. “I have a business proposition for you, I believe. But, before I can bring my offer to your proverbial table. You are a pirate, yes? One who goes against the law, breaks the natural order of things? Do you believe in pillaging? Stealing? Killing? OOhhh, so exciting!” one of them talked, as the other one on his side spun, gleefully, the jewelry that adorned their hands became seemingly ever more apparent, as if the golden rings, chains, bracelets and so on were blooming out of their bodies. “Pirates value very little in this world. But as you can see, I have that which all pirates value, gold. In order to be paid handsomely, well, I only ask one thing of you…” He cooed from up in the seat, as he stood up. [COLOR=EB054D]“I am so fucking [i]confused[/i] right now.”[/color] “Dodge!” All three shouted in unison, as all three of them produced knives from their sleeves, the two on his side cutting down at him, and the one above throwing one knife, yet three knives came at Rico. Gritting his teeth, he caught the two incoming arms. [COLOR=EB054D]“Do I [b]have to[/b]?”[/color] Rico’s last words were marked by his exertion as he used the two arms of the Trenders to hoist himself up, knives stabbing into the ground where he stood. Landing back down, he raised his pointer fingers, each of them transformed into a small firework, fizzing as it was ready to fire off. [COLOR=EB054D]“Because I really don’t have to.”[/color] The two twins caught one knife each, the third landing in front of Rico’s foot. Fenix on the top started snickering as the boy parried his attacks, his two triples did the same. “FIFIFIFI My oh MY do you have some moves, young man! I heard you beat up those filthy, ugly, stinky Triad bastards who were trying to set up on our turf earlier today. Well done. Are you truly a pirate? Or a mere mercenary? A hitman? You here on a whack job?” He was clearly excited at the prospect, pondering Rico’s intentions, sizing the pirate up. Jabbing his thumb at his own chest, Rico boasted, [COLOR=EB054D]“I’m Rico, Captain of the Inferno Pirates! We don’t have a ship yet, and my one crewmate…nevermind.”[/color] “I’m a businessman, myself. And business, well, it’s all about rolling with the punches.” The one on Rico’s side spoke, pulling the knife out of the floor, and putting it back into a sheet under his suit jacket. The other one did the same, while also making sure to comb his hair. “And I believe you seem perfectly fit for dealing some punches. I have a job for someone with your talents, in this cut throat world of shady dealings and illegitimate claims. Ensuring business goes smoothly is all about safeguarding investments, and that’s exactly what I need you to do for me. Secure an investment I have made.” The one who was currently combing his hair spoke, the other two once again started giggling. “FIFIFIFI” Rico crossed his arms, bowing his head as his face focused in thought. His face flitted between frustration, pain, and regret, before he pointed a finger out. [COLOR=EB054D]“Maybe! I’m wacky but I’m not gonna whack anyone. And I want safe passage to Shuffle Island in exchange, I won’t take anything less. But if you put words that are too small to read on your contract I’m gonna punch you in the face, cool?”[/color] “He’s gonna punch me in the face? You guys hear this? FIFIFIFI” The one on his side cackled, the other two joining. “Doesn’t even want money, huh? Just safe passage? Yeah, I’ll get you onto a cargo ship, no problem. You like fine silks, kid?” Fenix, now sitting back at the altar spoke. “Inferno Pirates… No crew and no ship? That’s certainly a gutsy move. You know what. Screw the cargo ship. I’ll secure your very own vessel if you do my bidding-” “It is after all a very important job.” The other one spoke, the third one drafting something, turned around with a quill and a piece of paper. “There’s been several attempts on a very important individual's life on this island. Our dear, dear prince Aztec has been the victim of professional killers, so far, he’s barely managed to stay alive. But, the rascal uses his regal authority to prevent any of us statesmen from officially policing his safety. Hands are tied, he’s gonna get killed by one of the many, many assassins that are coming for him. Unless you, young Rico, decide to save him.” As he finished speaking, the one to Rico’s side that had been writing on a paper, which he had curled up four or five of into balls and tossed aside while cursing and chuckling under his breath. Finally, he turned around, a grin on his face. “Here’s a suitable contract, Pirate.”, he had written in as big letters as possible ‘Rico save Prince, Rico Get passage & boat. Signed ___ Signed Chairman Fenix’, his finger tapped where Rico was supposed to sign his signature. The young man glanced it over. [COLOR=EB054D]“If you screw me over I’m gonna get my good buddy Wicc and we’re going to have problems Mr. Man, Mann, and Manny.”[/color] Through the bellyaching Rico took the quill and roughly scrawled his name down. [COLOR=EB054D]“That’s the second prince I’ll meet this week! What now?”[/color] “We’re the Fenix Triplets, by the way. We run this city, and make sure things go smoothly, no business that goes awry. Your job is to ensure that well, our investments in prince Aztec do not go to waste. I’ve received information that he is around on Phoenix Beach, but knowing him, he’ll travel all over the island, you shall have to find him. He’s easy to spot. Just follow the sound of chaos.” Fenix spoke, his two twins were nowhere to be seen anymore, only the guy remaining in the seat. Rico, eyes wide again, looked to where the other two were, not spotting anything close to any of the exits. Scratching his head, he remarked, [COLOR=EB054D]“Well, that’s annoying but I’ll figure it out. I’m loud and obnoxious so if you need to find me you’ll figure it out. Later!”[/color] With a wave of his hand, Rico retraced his steps, getting outside in short order and letting out a long sigh. [COLOR=EB054D]“Man, is anyone in this town [i]normal[/i]?[/color] [Rico, Captain of the Inferno Pirates, Local Weirdo]