[center][h1][b]Iraleth Kyrios[/b][/h1][/center] Iraleth grimaced in distaste as she beheld the Iris Record. Spectators? Really? This wasn't a competition to gawk and cheer at. This was life or death. Regardless of how many or how few there were, this was just obscene. What in Astra's name was the principal thinking? Nevertheless, she let herself be led to her waiting area. A brief ping from her Adapa led Iraleth to check her mail, to which she tapped "woods" without further thought and turned away, falling to her knees and placing her hands atop her legs as she sat and waited. Strategy. Iraleth had exerted herself as much as, or likely moreso, than Ciara throughout the day thus far, what with multiple uses of her Ethos. Fortunately, those hadn't been quite as full-burn as the previous day had been. Nevertheless, she wasn't quite fresh, no matter how much she'd taken the last few hours to rest and recuperate. The witch wasn't stupid. She'd do something desperate to blot out light, give herself an advantage. That was fine. Iraleth was her own light. To be surrounded by shadow was expected. Both of them were melee fighters. Even if Ciara had any particular tricks at range, Iraleth had seen her fight already: she preferred melee. And up close? Iraleth was her better. Ciara's best chance was to dictate the pace of the fight, suck Iraleth up into her rhythm. Conversely, so long as Iraleth powered through, this matter was finished. With the Inheritor's strength, that was a near guarantee. But it would also bear too much risk of striking a fatal blow. Iraleth's Ethos wasn't meant for anything but outright war. That idiot Bronsteel survived her yesterday by virtue of his contraptions taking most of the brunt of her blows. Professor Alto had still been her better, even with her Ethos. But if Ciara had any such protection or strength, she would have invoked it during either of those two battles. Or in the forest. No, Iraleth wouldn't call upon the Inheritor unless absolutely necessary. Ten minutes passed, and Iraleth rose when she was bid to, following the guard into the arena without a word, her sword already drawn. They'd waited long enough. It was time to put an end to this matter.