[center][h1][color=FF8C00][b]Freakshow[/b][/color][/h1][/center] Looking to the side once more as the sound of a gunshot reached her enhanced hearing ears, and enhancing her eyes again, Luna would rapidly glance to the side and glimpse something not very enticing to her. The Zards were already coming in their direction, and were doing so in a hurry to boot. Actually were moving....strange. Not a normal Zard approach. Ran in as if they were in a formation, and while they were pack hunters something felt 'off' about it all. Could see one of them already dead too, even, likely their little guardian angel's doing, though she hadn't gotten any word from the woman or anyone else about the approach either. Likely the shot 'was' a warning of some kind, if their watcher had to give any sort of indication....still could have said something for a split second. Overall this was very not good. Very not good. [color=FF8C00]"Shi- Get in your formation positions here and [u][i][b]now[/b][/i][/u], people, and make sure to protect the flanks! Somethin's got the Zards comin' this way at top speed, usin' some strange formation, and they're gonna' be on top of us in a heartbeat! I'll try to interrupt em' for a moment to buy you time!"[/color] The enhanced 'Freakshow' would shout into the comms to her teammates, even as she suddenly darted off in the direction of the Terrazards simultaneously. Enhance her reflexes more. Enhance strength even more. Push durability even farther than she had before. Enhance her speed to meet the threat and try to interrupt their approach. She'd given them the talk about the Terrazards, and enough of them seemed onboard at this point, so none of that or the info on the formation needed retelling. They didn't even have the time for that anyways. But what had alerted them to their presence, or at least sent them all running their way like this? The group were at a pretty far range even if the things had seen them, wind was blowing the right direction to their favor, and everything to a certain extent. It was, to say the least, something that smelled a bit....suspicious if she had to put a finger on it. If those self-proclaimed 'Skulls' were weaponinzing Leftovers or anything like she was worried about here, she was going to crack those skulls before bringing them in alive. Stupid, stupid asshat-mimicking asshats. Did she mention she already thought they were asshats on a conceptual level before they'd even [i]'professionally'[/i] met? Yeah, they were still asshats. Luna would move to intercept the nearest edge of the angular formation the Terrazards were moving in at. Her goal was to hit the leading tip edge of the formation and disrupt it through a lot off high-impact meat-splattering punching and the sort. Enough to get some of them on her, she hoped, and buy the rest of the group a moment to get ready the rest of the way as she'd barked to them. No time for niceties, the time to act or die was [u][i]now[/i][/u]. Should the thing try to pull back on her or something stupid, at least if someone was pulling the strings or these things had gotten 'that much' smarter since last time she'd been around them, she'd try to hit the center of their formation in a sudden and impactful attacking leap. Or, well, at least that was her personal plan. Idea was to hit the things, buy a little time, and then retreat into the formation to draw some back with her if the others were following the plan. Because only one of them had given a plan, and that plan was to try to help them [b]not die[/b]. Neither was the plan for herself to die, at least intentionally, but that wasn't the main thing right now in her mind. It was the time to see what these things would do....and if any of her fears were correct. [@Blizz][@ManyThings][@Silver Carrot][@shylarah][@Hitman][@DClassified][@Zoey Boey]