[hr] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230310/74eb28d2a3c7617e792a13aa8e035a89.png[/img][/center] [hr] Annabelle figured spending the next day hiding out in her hotel room was the best course of action. She had opened her window to let Jazz come and go as he pleased, though the bird seemed content to remain in the room with her, excluding a few quick trips to the drop off spot where she was to get paid to deliver the payment that had been left for her from her job the day before. She very carefully counted the money she had been paid making sure it was all there, a sense of relief when she finished counting and it was all there plus a little extra for a “clean job”. She was a step closer to where she thought she would need to be if she were to hire the number of men she was convinced she needed to take out The Tyrant. She was sure more jobs would be coming her way. This place seemed to have its own issues and political struggles. Underhanded politicians were her favorite clients. Quick to pay to get their problems out of their way by any means that would keep their hands the cleanest. After spending some time in her room she found herself quickly growing bored, it seemed staying hidden was only something she could manage for a few hours before she got antsy, especially considering she had spent several hours yesterday already sitting in one place staring down the barrel of her riffle which was now hidden under her bed with the rest of her gear. Stretching as she stood up she headed to the lower part of the Inn she was staying in to ask the closet employee where she might find something interesting to do. As she kind of expected she was pointed toward the various tourist things in Phoenix Beach. She had intended on avoiding the more touristy things on the island but decided it was better than nothing. Plus it might be a little suspicious if she didn’t at least check out that part of the island, after all, it was her first time here. One trip to Phoenix Beach later she found herself in the midst of various tourist traps designed to get people to spend money. If the red head was going to fit in she would have to spend at least a little but she still needed to be careful. Other than the festival a few weeks ago she hadn’t really done anything fun and let loose, not that she was the “let loose” type of person. Eventually Annabelle found herself in front of a street food vendor, her stomach growling as she realized she hadn’t eaten yet that day. She has been so focused on other things and she had forgotten to eat a proper meal. So she got herself a variety of finger foods and found herself strolling the streets aimlessly. The streets were still decently crowded, which she wasn’t all that surprised by. Annabelle heard a familiar caw in a tree near her. She turned her head to see Jazz perched on a branch staring at her. She looked from the bird to the meat on a stick she had, then back to the bird. [color=6ECFF6]“Get your own.”[/color] She muttered as the bird cawed at her once more. [color=6ECFF6]“Shoo, go get your own food.”[/color] She swatted the air in the direction the bird was perched, getting a few looks from the people near her. She pointedly put the rest of the food in her mouth and walked away. Jazz cawed at her once more and then she heard the sound of wings flapping. Annabelle knew the bird wouldn’t go far but she did hope that he would keep his distance. She didn’t need to be spotted with this very distinct bird at the moment. Not when marines and who knows who else saw him the other night at the incident at the docks was likely still searching for the bird’s companion. Better safe than sorry. So she continued her wandering aimlessly. This was at least better than being holed up in her room the rest of the day, and tomorrow she hoped she would have significantly more money comming her way. The prospect of more jobs made her smirk a little as she walked.