Yuki offers Sulochana a weak smile, and turns to Pasenne at just such an angle that if Sulochana were to, say, immediately drop all manners and dig in as fast as she could, nobody would notice for a moment or two. "I don't think I'm radiant. At least, not this time. This time it's just Yuki. But I really do hope you can get your parents a house, that sounds really nice! I think...well...no...I...I don't know how this contest will end, but I think that whoever's in charge should know about the needs of Crevas no matter what." She looks at Pasenne a bit longer. She's not sure about the tail and the ribbons but she decides to venture her opinion. "Oh and I love the sound your tail makes, it's very soothing." A smile with that as well, a little bit lowering her ears, a sip of tea immediately after to hide her face because she's worried that was a social faux paus but also really hoping it was helpful and good, and it was how she really felt so that probably counted for something too. After that, she turns back to Sulochana. Decides to grab some more chai first, and hmms while she fills her cup, tail flicking as she thinks. "Yeah, today, Yuki and Suli against the world" she says as she sits down. She gives Sulochana a serious face though. "I doubt my axe will really matter much in a huge fight though, and I don't really want to fight the Khanate even though you're competing with them. You know that's going to end up with you and Juni each trying to kidnap me from the other a bunch." She grins because that part was kind of a joke, or at least kind of funny and fun and, well having a bunch of her friends all trying to kidnap her back and forth didn't sound like the worst thing in the world at any rate. But then it's back to serious Yuki, looking Suli right in the face, ears up, eyes clear. "You deserve a hangout day, and I'll come with you to the council and support you however I can. And after that, we're [i]both[/i] going to find Aadya once she's done with her council thing. Cuz like, seriously, who beats up Aadya?! Aren't you dying of curiosity, Suli?" She waits for Sulochana's response before she chats the group to confirm.