[center] [color=DarkRed][h3]Orphan X[/h3][/color] [hr][/center] Laura growled as the herald smacked her and Ice Beast back. She backflipped off of her comerade as he tumbled backwards, no way was she getting caught underneath all that weight. She watched as Kid Cannonball charged the monstrosity of a man and carried him far away from destroying their home. A smile crept up on her lips as she wiped a small fleck of blood from the corner of her mouth with the back of her hand. The kid was showing promise already, they needed people with guts in this group, and he just showed he had them in spades. This full-frontal attack wasn't working. If the guy could take a direct hit from Reactor and not flinch then they'd definitely have to take Night= Vision's advice and get that dumb helmet off his head. It was time for some shadowplay, back to her roots. She followed Grant out of the hole, leaping from it onto the top of a nearby street light and making jump after jump onto higher ground as she made her way to the school. She prowled in the shadows on the roof overlooking the football field, drawing claws out on one of her hands as she overlooked the situation. She needed the right moment to pounce, too soon and he'd see her coming, too late and her friends could get hurt. Her eyes drew over to Grant once more as he shot himself like a missile at the herald. She was glad she hadn't pounced too soon, she didn't fancy going for a ride on the Reactor Rollercoaster if he managed to lift that hulking brute off the ground.