[center] [color=Orange][h2]Marauder[/h2][/color] [hr][/center] Marauder had never fought the Herald before. It was concerning that no matter how much she tried, she couldn't make skin to skin contact. Their leader spoke up. Apparently they had to remove his helmet before she'd be able to touch him. Right after this, Kid Cannonball managed to tackle the Herald out of the tower and into the field of a derelict school. Anna-Marie approved of this move. A larger space without the restrictions of collateral meant that there was no longer any need to play it subtle or safe. She discarded the glove of her right hand and genty slapped the exposed skin of Garfield's arm as she passed him. [color=Orange]"Tagging in,"[/color] she quipped as she transformed into an eagle made of ice and flew out the open hole, towards the battleground. The power that she had copied woldn't be as strong or as versatile as Garfield's own given the briefness of the contact, but her own powers should make up the difference. She was lucky that she already knew what this ability did and had seen it in action. Intuiting a power she'd absorbed was a lot harder when she had to figure out what to even do with it. Over the years, she'd copied a lot of powers. The skill to adapt quickly was one that she naturally picked up, trusting her body. With every power was paired just enough muscle memory and instict to be able to figure things out if you trusted the process. The control of ice would have needed a lot more practice to be able to rely on, but as a bird, she should be able to at least get the helmet off. The ice eagle swooped down from the back while the Herald was focused on charging him from the front. Her talons were poised to attempt to gain purchase on the helmet. Surely one of them would be able to suceed.