[b][color=248ffd] R U L E S O F T H E G A M E : [/color][/b][hr] [quote][color=6ecff6]This is an open-ended roleplay. Prospective players can apply at any time. To be considered for the game, you must fill out the character sheet above to completion. Choose either a canon DC or Marvel Comics [b]hero[/b] or [b]anti-hero[/b] character when you apply, making sure to portray your intention and take on them within the provided parameters. You may apply for up to two characters at a time.[/color][/quote] [quote][color=6ecff6]Once you apply for a character, you must wait a full 24 hours for the GMs to consider whether to approve it. Should you want to apply for a character not yet approved by the GMs, you may challenge someone else for the role.[/color][/quote] [quote][color=6ecff6]By applying, you agree to participate in the IC at least once every two weeks. Failure to do so without prior notice to one of the GMs will result in your character being removed from the roster without question. You may attempt to re-apply, but it's to be entirely at the GM's discretion.[/color][/quote] [quote][color=6ecff6][b]Remember the setting[/b]. This is a world in which superheroes as a whole are a week old when the game begins. Referencing other heroes and their pasts needs to be done with absolute caution. Don't reference things like rogues galleries and sidekicks or other comic book/alternate media-based snippets of information. Failure to do this will require a GM intervention, likely resulting in extensive editing. Multiple instances could result in removal from the roster.[/color][/quote] [quote][color=6ecff6]You may use different colored text for each character in your posts, or you may leave the color blank, but [b][i]please[/i][/b] try and make it legible. Often, brighter colors for text work much better than darker colors.[/color][/quote] [quote][color=6ecff6]In the IC, you're free to utilize any supervillain from Marvel or DC to tell your story in the best way you see fit. But don't use an already taken hero character's archenemy. These characters are needed for a hero character's specific development. If you're unsure of who those characters are, wikipedia.org, comicvine.com, and plain 'ol Google are your friends. You can also simply ask in the OOC if you're unsure.[/color][/quote] [quote][color=6ecff6]The RPG is currently PG-13. Cursing is allowed, as that isn't against any Guild rules, but any territory that crosses into 'R' such as graphic sex and violence needs to be handled way more delicately.[/color][/quote] [i]Rules WIP[/i]