[table][row][/row][row][cell][img]https://i.ibb.co/LQMtyRv/Aissi-points.png[/img] [center][color=#2e2c2c]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[/color][/center] [b][code]B A S I C I N F O[/code][/b][hr] [b][code][Name][/code][/b] [code]Aberrant Integration System, Subject 1 - AIS S1[/code] [b][code][Callsign][/code][/b] [code]Aissi[/code] [b][code][Gender][/code][/b] [code]Female[/code] [b][code][Age][/code][/b] [code]Early 20s[/code] [b][code][Rank and Designation][/code][/b] [code]Experimental Constellation, Stardust Rank[/code] [b][code][Place of Birth][/code][/b] [code]Kepler-195[/code] [b][code]C O M B A T A B I L I T Y[/code][/b][hr] [b][code][Anti-Barrier Sword][/code][/b] [i][code]#236 - AB1 (Aberrant-integration Blade One) and #371 - AB2. But since they've been reforged into identical forms and serve as a single unit for Aissi, she refers to them much more personally, simply as her Wingblades.[/code][/i] [b][code][Anti-Barrier Quotient][/code][/b][code]21%[/code] [b][code][Physical Description][/code][/b] [i][code]It's no wonder the Anti-Barrier Quotient of the Wingblades is so low; after all, they're unreasonably large, and there's only so much AB material to go around. Matte black with gleaming red bevels, these double-edged blades are roughly as long as Aissi is tall (about seven feet), and mounted on winglike struts grafted directly into her nervous system through her back. This unorthodox arrangement allows her to manipulate the Wingblades as though they were a third pair of limbs, leaving her hands free for more typical swords used almost exclusively for defense that are sheathed along the struts.[/code][/i] [b][code][Attributes][/code][/b] [i][code]In order to supplement the low AB Quotient caused by their large size, the Wingblades have been retrofitted with laser technology. They can ignite their blades in red light, significantly increasing their cutting force; and, even further, they are able to fire powerful, though short-ranged, laser blasts.[/code][/i] [hr] [b][code][Anomaly][/code][/b] [code]Aberrant Integration System[/code] [b][code][Origin][/code][/b] [code]Aberrant Research Laboratory A2[/code] [b][code][Phenomena][/code][/b] [i][code]Though it fills the same space as Anomaly typically would, this is quite explicitly very different. To put her on level with actual Constellations with Anomaly, Aissi's body is infested with an expansive suite of Aberrant technologies. From the system that controls her Wingblades, to magnetic clamps in her hands, her limbs more biomechanical than flesh now, compact jet engines in her feet and legs along with stabilizers in her shoulders...and this is just the tip of the iceberg. Finally, it all connects to the most important of her modifications, the most powerful, and the most taboo: her core. A fully-intact Epsilon-tier Aberrant core harvested from a high-caste Bishop has been embedded into her back between where the Wingblades emerge, which powers all of her multifarious augmentations, coordinates them, and normalizes them in her nervous system so they feel as natural as whatever of her original body remains.[/code][/i] [b][code][Limitation][/code][/b] [i][code]The same way it doesn't function as Anomaly does, it doesn't have the same kind of cost on usage. What it does have, though, is quite an adverse affect on her mental state. The painful experiments that were done to her over the course of years, as well as the overtaxing of her brain as it attempts to manage far more than it was designed to, has led to her being VERY unstable, especially during full-throttle combat where all of her augmentations and implants are working at maximum capacity. Perhaps not a clear-cut cost; but quite a cost nonetheless.[/code][/i] [/cell][cell][indent] [center][h3][b][code]Profile[/code][/b][/h3][/center] [hider=Surface-level Impression][b][code][Surface-level Impression][/code][/b] [code]As mentioned, the experiments have left Aissi not quite in full control of herself at all times. Twitchy, relentlessly high-strung, and never overly far from fits of violent hysteria, Aissi's personality alone is proof positive that making a large amount of Constellations in the same way she was made isn't necessarily a good idea. Still, she's not always obviously unstable, clearly. Though during combat she veers way into the erratic, outside of it, she's a notably sensitive and anxious individual. Keenly aware that she looks very strange, and even more keenly aware that the reason she looks strange is that she's essentially half-Aberrant--the thing that's trying to kill everyone and everything--she's constantly fretting over the image that she has. When people look at her, do they see a Constellation? Or a monster? And really, even she doesn't quite know. Paradoxically to her appearance and her position, Aissi knows very little about the world. All she really remembers is being in the lab. Granted, she was told something like what to expect when she went into the field. But being told what the world is like and actually living in the world are two very different things. She only has experience with the first of those two. She knows plenty about Aberrants and how to kill Aberrants...but that's mostly ALL she knows.[/code][/hider] [hider=Personal History][b][code][Personal History][/code][/b] [code]The first thing Aberrant Integration System, Subject One remembers is waking up in the lab. What age was she? Teenaged? She isn't sure, and she doesn't remember. What was her name before? Did she even have a name? She's not sure of that either. Only A.I.S-S1. That's it. Well...she remembered how to speak, and how to listen. She remembers language. That's something, right? The second thing A.I.S-S1 remembers is pain. Her first implantation was almost immediately after she awoke. She doesn't even remember what it is anymore; all of it has blurred together in her mind by now. Was it her leg engines? Her neuralware? Perhaps the magnetic clamps in her hands? it all feels so far away. Time went on. Every so often, the procedure would repeat: she would be given an implant though a painful procedure. Then the technicians and scientists that handled her would monitor it. Sometimes, her body would reject the implant, and the pain would come back. The doctors would remove it, put it aside, and try and give it again later. They never gave up. If her body didn't reject it--if it accepted the Aberrant technology as a part of her now--then she'd have another few days, just to make sure. And then another implant would be brought to her, and the wheel would turn again. But it was fine. She'd volunteered for this, according to the doctors. This was what she'd wanted. To let herself be turned into something greater, even at sacrifice to herself. So she simply clung on. But there was one great mercy. Because during all of this, she wasn't alone in the lab. There was another girl undergoing a similar--if much lesser--augmentation, and the two became something like friends. Hope, her name was. And that got A.I.S-S1 thinking about names. Every time she saw that designation emblazed near her, she would look at it, and think of names. And then one day, when she was still woozy from sedation, she saw it with blurry eyes, and she misread it. Not A.I.S-S1. AISSI. Aissi. She would be Aissi. Time went on more. Further. Hope left, and she was alone. More implants. More connections. And then the most prominent: the Bladewings. She rejected them three times before her body finally let them settle. And then, after all that was done...she'd been in the lab for how long now? She didn't know, and she still doesn't quite; several years, at least. But now that all of the implants, all of the cybernetics, all of the prosthetics, were in place, it was time for the piece de resistance. The Core. There is nothing Aissi can remember, before or since, that hurts as much as suddenly having every one of her augmentations fire into her nerves all at once. Sheer, gut-wrenching, mind-warping AGONY. And the pain, the nerves, all of it firing at once...it changed something in her. Turned from a sweet, sensitive girl to something where...well, sometimes you can see that underneath her. But not often. Not anymore. And once it was finally over...she was finished. More machine now than woman. And, really, more Aberrant than woman. Perhaps not even human at all anymore. Another year went by. She had to acclimate, of course. Not only did she have so many new modifications and augmentations working all at once, but she had an entirely new set of limbs to figure out. But then, recently and finally...it was done. She was prepared. And now, the test runs begin.[/code][/hider] [center][h3][b][code]Home World[/code][/b][/h3][/center] [hider=Kepler-195][b][code][Planet Description][/code][/b] [code]Kepler-195 was a dry, arid moon, largely desert and scrubland broken by salt seas and crisscossing braided streams. One of several moons orbiting a gas giant on the far frontier, it wasn't exactly well known. Small and inconspicuous, the people enjoyed a fairly peaceful existence; though a select few eked out a nomadic lifestyle on the surface, most people lived in vast cities deep underground instead, so they felt quite insulated and far from any issues that might plague topside. ...And then the Aberrants came, and they glassed the entire moon. Though the Constellations came, only a scant few refugees escaped, and fled far away from their desolated once-home.[/code] [b][code][Culture][/code][/b] [code]While Kepler-195 still existed, it had two 'factions' of people. A very few lived nomadic lives on the surface. Because water on the surface was a precious resource, they wore stillsuits, and traveled with their lives on their back to set up around any temporary watering hole that may emerge. The grand majority of the populace--which, mind you, wasn't large to begin with, only about 500 million people across the entire moon--lived in vast underground cities, tunneled out of the bedrock. Water was much more prevalent due to the presence of deep aquifers, and the native plant life grew readily. They lived a comfortable existence; though they were held in contempt by the surface nomads, they were largely happy to simply live in comfort underground. But, of course, this moon no longer exists, and Aissi has no memories from before the lab, regardless.[/code][/hider] [center][h3][b][code]Notable Contacts[/code][/b][/h3][/center] [hider=Doctor Jacob Tobias Brake, Medical Coordinator][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/71/75/13/717513edcb8b8125d250a6d152767cb6.png[/img] [b][code][Name][/code][/b] [code]Jacob "Jay" Tobias Brake[/code] [b][code][Relation to Subject][/code][/b] [code]Aissi's "Medical Coordinator and Caretaker" (In so many words, her handler) - Checks for malfunctions in and maintains systems, performs routine psychiatric checks and monitors her sanity, serves as a point of stability for her, practiced at talking her down and reigning her in if she's starting to go sideways.[/code] [b][code][Analysis][/code][/b] [code]Jay is tired. So very, very tired. Essentially badgered into his position through only having the lowest standing at the laboratory that modified her, Jay is grumpy and world-weary middle aged man who firmly believes that he's not paid NEARLY enough to manage someone as unstable and chaotic as Aissi is. While it's obvious that he does have at least some measure of care for her--if he didn't, then he probably wouldn't still be doing this job--it tends to get drowned out in how overworked and overwhelmed he is, having to keep Aissi on as short a leash as she demands alongside everything else. [/code][/hider] [hr] [hider=Theme][b][code][Theme][/code][/b] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JaoAMMK1cGs[/youtube][/hider][/indent][/cell][/row][/table]