[@PKMNB0Y] [@Drifting Pollen] [@Izurich] [center][h2][color=8dc73f]Fran[/color][/h2][/center] [center][h3]The Capital, Nieve[/h3][/center] As the motley crew of otherworlders approached the capital, Fran was struck by a brief bout of nostalgia. She recalled being in another castle back in Trifas, where it served as a base of operations for Team Black. The castle here, easily seen high above even the giant walls, was just as grand. She hoped there was a garden or, at the very least, a courtyard where she could find and gather flowers. Once the caravan stopped and the crew disembarked, Remilia wasted no time in making her way toward the castle, no doubt wanting to speak with the current ruler of Nieve. Anne quickly followed the vampire, leaving Lewa to handle the nameless girl they took with them, who wandered off with his charge, though not without a bit grumbling. Rayne had also decided to check out the rest of the town, after notifying everyone that they should gather at a 'Dancing Donkey' inn as a rendezvous point. After moment of thinking and with nothing better to do, Fran made the decision to follow Anne and Remilia toward the castle, catching up with them in no time. Between the two of them, negotiations should be smooth, but... One can never know what might happen.