[h2]Heir to the Konpaku[/h2] Unfamiliar. That was the best word she could use to describe her feelings. The human village was the biggest settlement she'd ever seen before, when it came to human beings. And certainly, it was bustling and full of activity. But this place was nothing like the human village. Not only did it boast the same unfamiliar architecture of the small villages they'd seen so far, but it was filled with an incredible amount of people. Youmu let out a heavy sigh. "I don't think it's going to be any easier finding a way to communicate with Yuyuko-sama here then it was in any of those villages," lamented the half-phantom. At least the little girl they'd found seemed alright. There was a strange, familiar and yet unfamiliar feeling about her, one that she couldn't really adequately describe in words, but since the girl hadn't spoken very much it was hard to get any answers about who she was or what happened. Still, Youmu had to do something, even if there was no way for her to know what. Perhaps this world had some sort of magic that would let her contact Yuyuko-sama, or expediate their purpose? Either she would at least be able to speak with her mistress, or she'd reach the completion of their goal here and be returned to Gensokyo. At least that's what she hoped. Taking a step forward, Youmu paused after a moment to look back over her shoulder. "Fujiwara-san, do you want to come with me?" She didn't really know why she was inviting the Hourai immortal along, not in the least. But it made more sense to look for something potentially helpful together rather then split up even more then they already had. [@PKMNB0Y][@Raineh Daze] [hr] [h2]Mysterious Girl[/h2] The girl didn't speak for some time before she was picked up. It was hardly surprising, given her prior lack of response, but after a moment she seemed to stir, one delicate hand curling slightly. Perhaps it would be difficult for the Toa, immensely physically powerful and still largely unfamiliar with human being as he was, to tell, but she was almost impossibly light. Far more then her appearance should have suggested. For the first time since they departed the village, she spoke. "... You won't rot, will you...?" Her voice was quiet, and slightly strained due to a lack of speaking for so long, but the fear and worry in her tone was self-evident. [@PKMNB0Y][@Lugubrious]