[hider=Vaemon Velaryon] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/14/df/d4/14dfd4f4868fd3854c08416b20b579ce.jpg[/img][/center] Art by Will Arsher [center][h3][color=33F3FF][b]Vaemon Velaryon[/b][/color][/h3] [b]House Velaryon || The City State of Braavos[/b][/center] [color=darkgray] One of several younger brothers of Daemon and Alyssa Velaryon, like many younger songs Vaemon's life path was more adrift than his siblings. Thankfully for the noble scion, the nature of House Velaryon offered more outlets than most noble houses, neither confined to serve his siblings, to attend the citadel or even the wall, Vaemon made his mark upon the Sea. Serving in the fleet of his father, mostly on trading expeditions, Vaemon learned the way of sail in the same manner many pages and squires learn to ride and joust. He spent many years away from Driftmark and his wider family, although this is not necessarily unique for the sons of House Velaryon. Eventually Vaemon earned his own command, sailing for some time among the family fleet as a Captain, although eventually such things grew tiresome for the man who was driven by both wanderlust and a desire to step out from the shadow of his more prominent siblings. Thus, with leave given, he instead made for the Free Cities to become a captain in his own right. While many of fair Valyrian features may have favoured the Southern cities, Vaemon instead first made for Pentos, where he formed his first crew of mostly men of Westerosi lineage, then sailed North to Braavos. As a part of the loosely orchestrated Braavosi freebooters, Vaemon made something of his own fortune in the famous anti-slaver raids of ships sailing out of Braavos, returning the freedmen for the bounty the city state pays for such services. With his own knowledge of Westeros' seas and rivers, his focus became combatting the still thriving, if steadily decreasing, slave trade among the Eastern Northern houses and the Sisters, confident the Crown wouldn't intervene to protect ships already in breach of the realm's laws. With matters escalating back home, and in particular with the peril that some of his household have found themselves in, Vaemon has now returned to King's Landing, just in time to see it burn. [/color][/hider]