[color=silver][center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjcyLjU5NTU1NS5SbVZzYkhkcGJtYy4y/great-vibes.regular.webp[/img] __________________________________________________[/center] [i]Well.[/i] The good news was that Garrock [i]was [/i]indeed slower once he was up in the sky, and with few things to obscure the large dragon against the backdrop of a clear blue sky, he was much easier to keep track of besides. ... The [i]bad[/i] news was that keeping up with the old coot quickly turned out to be the least of Fellwing's problems. It started as an uncomfortable prickling sensation, a warning so clear even Shieldwing would've noticed it. Much like him, however, Fellwing did not heed it, stubbornly — if a [i]little [/i]more carefully, now — pushing deeper into the woods. It couldn't have been that big a trek, surely. She'd be in and out before anything bad happened. Except... the very air itself didn't seem to want her to get in at all. By now, what had started as the prickling of tiny needles had turned into the sensation of a thousand blades pressing into her scales, trying to force her back. And the moment she stopped pushing forward with her entire body, she felt her feet sliding, had to spread out her wings to try and better resist the push. But she knew it wouldn't help for long. Whatever this... magic was, she could not tame it with her [i]wings[/i]. But perhaps with magic, she might. Even at the risk of sliding backwards, Fellwing stopped. This was no longer about reaching Garrock, who she hadn't even glanced up at in a while. No, this was about figuring out what was going on with the magic here. She had to find its source, had to find whatever it did not want her to see. She closed her eyes, thinking about the Shadows, but opting to call for the Liberty Moon, instead. May it give her clarity, and guide her through whatever manner of chaos or curse hindered her. [hider=ooc]Fellwing returns a friendship gem to Skobeloff and calls for the Liberty Moon with a [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/27236]9[/url].[/hider] [/color]