[COLOR=red][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]S P E L L B I N D E R[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR] [INDENT][sup][color=red]Interacting with:[/color]Gridlock[/sup][/INDENT] Things went chaotic pretty quick. Between one Titan or another launching some kind of attack, Spellbinder was having a hard time finding an opening to drop a big item onto the Herald like he was planning. All of this essentially culminated in Kid Cannonball eventually managing to knock the invader back outside where he came in from. And while Spellbinder initially thought that was finally the opening he was looking for, the voice of one of the leaders effectively told him to stand down. Well, not in those words exactly. What Night Vision was actually asking for was for Spellbinder to find some way to keep the Tower from collapsing on itself. To which he just looked around and drew a blank in his head at first. How was he supposed to do that? Magical protection wasn’t exactly in his repertoire. Maybe Dr. Strangefate wasn’t behind him being sent here. He’d have surely told them what his magic entailed, right? But all that aside, Night Vision was asking him to do something that Spellbinder didn’t know how to do. [color=red][b][i]Come on, come on… think![/i][/b][/color] Spellbinder squeezed his eyes shut and desperately tried to think of something, [i]anything[/i] he could do to follow those orders. He had been channeling for a bit now, so that energy could be put toward something, but… what? Protect the tower with what, an extra layer of walls? Actually… [color=red][b]”Nekorb saw tahw, elohw ekam!”[/b][/color] He suddenly shouted out as he took a knee and slammed his magically charged hands onto the damaged floor. His golden orange arcane energy spread across the floor around, transmuting cracked and broken tiles of floor back into their original forms. The energy even reached the walls and repaired some of their lower sections, though that reach didn’t go far enough to repair the upper sections. Spellbinder would have to channel another spell or get some kind of outside help. He couldn’t exactly keep up with undoing the structure damage on his own. “Glad to see ya stick around, Magic Man! Let me see if I can help with some of the areas your magic isn’t reaching…” Gridlock chimed in morphing what looked like his human hand with his alien tech and connecting to what seemed like the foundations of the Tower and its operating systems. Elsewhere in the Tower, Raven Grey was straining in her self induced telepathic coma. As if the struggle to keep her demon father at bay wasn’t enough, now another telepathic intruder made himself known. He was the leader of the Hellfire Cult, and the employer of the Herald. Sebastian Frost, aka the Blood Diamond, was now on the same astral plane as Dark Bird and her four-eyed father. Back in the lobby, Spellbinder was already channeling energy for his next spell. But even if he could use it to repair the spots that his first spell missed, the help from Gridlock was still very much appreciated nonetheless. That at least meant they had a better shot of keeping up with repairing whatever damage was done to the tower while the other Titans were still trying to quell the threat of the Herald outside. He did start to think of one other idea, but he had to make sure it was even possible before he could implement anything. [color=red][b]”Night Vision said that guy’s helmet is the source of his force fields, right?”[/b][/color] he suddenly asked of Gridlock, [color=red][b]”Does it repel magic too? I can maybe try to transmute it or just summon the helmet to my hands if that’s what’ll create an opening to finish him off.”[/b][/color]