Mainly reposted this since the code went wrong in the first cs when I tried to edit it. [hider=Efraim Tenorioe] [CENTER][sup][h1][center][img][/img][/center][b][center][color=black] EFRAIM TENORIO[/color] [color=lightgray]EFRAIM TENORIO[/color][/center] [/b][/h1][/sup][/CENTER][table][row][sup][h1][color=2c2c2c][b]▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅[/b][CENTER][color=silver][sub][sub][sup][i]"I may be a bonehead but I can still do my job"[/i][/sup][/sub][/sub][/color][/CENTER][right][b]▅▅▅▅▅[/b][/right][/color][/h1][/sup][/row][row][cell][center][sub][sup][sub][h3][b][color=black] C H A R A C T E R P O R T R A I T[/color] [color=lightgray]C H A R A C T E R P O R T R A I T[/color] [/b][/h3][/sub][/sup][/sub][sup]_________________________________________________________[/sup][img][/img] [sup]_________________________________________________________[/sup][sub][sup][sub][h3][b][color=black] C H A R A C T E R S U M M A R Y[/color] [color=lightgray]C H A R A C T E R S U M M A R Y[/color][/b][/h3][/sub][/sup][/sub][sup]_________________________________________________________[/sup] [sub][COLOR=darkgray]Efraim Arturo Tenorioe[/COLOR] [sup]_________________________________________________________[/sup] [COLOR=darkgray]March[sup]08[/sup],2005[/COLOR] [b]|[/b] [COLOR=darkgray]23[/COLOR] [b]|[/b] [COLOR=darkgray]Mestizo[/COLOR] [sup]_________________________________________________________[/sup] [COLOR=darkgray]Single[/COLOR] [b]|[/b] [COLOR=darkgray]Male[/COLOR] [b]|[/b] [COLOR=darkgray]Straight[/COLOR] [sup]_________________________________________________________[/sup] [COLOR=darkgray]San Luis Potosí City[/COLOR] [b]|[/b] [COLOR=darkgray]San Luis Potosí[/COLOR] [b]|[/b] [COLOR=darkgray]Mexico[/COLOR] [sup]_________________________________________________________[/sup] [COLOR=darkgray]Canis[/COLOR] [b]|[/b] [COLOR=darkgray]Team 21 - Blackjack[/COLOR][/sub] [sub][sup][sub][h3][b][color=black] C H A R A C T E R S T A T S[/color] [color=lightgray]C H A R A C T E R S T A T S[/color][/b][/h3][/sub][/sup][/sub][sup]_________________________________________________________[/sup][/center][INDENT][INDENT][sub][COLOR=gray][COLOR=lightgray]◼ [b]B U I L D[/b] ||[/COLOR] [i]Above Average[/i] [COLOR=lightgray]◼ [b]H A I R C O L O U R[/b] ||[/COLOR] [i]Black[/i] [COLOR=lightgray]◼ [b]E Y E C O L O U R[/b] ||[/COLOR] [i]Brown[/i] [COLOR=lightgray]◼ [b]H E I G H T[/b] ||[/COLOR] [i]5'8[/i] [COLOR=lightgray]◼ [b]W E I G H T[/b] ||[/COLOR] [i]160 lbs[/i] [COLOR=lightgray]◼ [b]S C A R S [/b] ||[/COLOR] [i]None[/i] [COLOR=lightgray]◼ [b]T A T T O O S[/b] ||[/COLOR] [i]None[/i] [COLOR=lightgray]◼ [b]P I E R C I N G S[/b] ||[/COLOR] [i]None[/i] [COLOR=lightgray]◼ [b]O T H E R[/b] ||[/COLOR] [i]None[/i][/color][/SUB][/INDENT][/INDENT][/cell][cell][INDENT][sub][sup][sub][h3][b][color=black] C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T[/color] [color=lightgray]C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T[/color][/b][/h3][/sub][/sup][/sub][/INDENT][sup]________________________________________________________________________________________[/sup] [COLOR=GRAY][indent]Efraim's life was a different one for a Hyperhuman growing up. The second son of a high school counselor and a doctor. Efraim's childhood was a good one and he grew close to his family. Not having problems and had a good number of friends. Up until he turned thirteen, his hyperhuman nature became apparent. It was a surprise for him and his family, and while his family was supportive of him and accepting of him. They, mainly his father, are unable to relate to Efraim's new status as a Hyperhuman. He would try, and try as Efraim would grow and eventually attend the same high school that his father worked at. But to no avail, and while Efraim still loved his father, he just wished that someone in his family could understand the problems he faced in public as a Hyperhuman. Having a supportive family helped but, he still longed for some connection and was unsure of his future. So his father, while also wishing he could understand his son, he reached out to the only people that could understand Efraim. H.E.L.P and arrange for Efraim to go to P.R.C.U. A choice that Efraim agreed to and now awaits what the P.R.C.U. has to offer and hopes he can have a future with them. [/indent][/COLOR] [INDENT][sub][sup][sub][h3][b][color=black] D E T A I L E D A P P E A R A N C E & A E S T H E T I C[/color] [color=lightgray]D E T A I L E D A P P E A R A N C E & A E S T H E T I C[/color][/b][/h3][/sub][/sup][/sub][/INDENT][sup]________________________________________________________________________________________[/sup] [COLOR=GRAY][INDENT]Efraim tends not to stand out that much with his black hair and brown eyes, when clothed. Being slightly average height and weight but having an above average build as he does work out from time to time. His bone exoskeleton, when naked, extends to most of his body and is visible but is barely seen on his head. He wears his school uniform per regulations, but as soon as he is allowed to wear normal attire. He will and is not picky with what he wears. Generally, he likes to wear T-shirts, collared shirts, jeans and anything else that is considered casual clothing. Though he will wear warmer clothing given the climate of the island. Efraim's bone exoskeleton does not hinder his ability to wear clothes, but, sometimes, it does become noticeable. [/INDENT][/COLOR] [INDENT][sub][sup][sub][h3][b][color=black] M A N N E R I S M S & P E R S O N A L I T Y[/color] [color=lightgray]M A N N E R I S M S & P E R S O N A L I T Y[/color][/b][/h3][/sub][/sup][/sub][/INDENT][sup]________________________________________________________________________________________[/sup] [COLOR=GRAY][INDENT]Efraim can be described as a friendly and sociable person. Always willing to hang out with friends and family. Though at times, wanting to spend time alone with himself. Efraim is a loyal person who gains his trust and becomes his friend. Then he is there to help them no matter what but if this trust is broken then it can be hard to regain Efraim's trust. Partially due to his father being a counselor and later his older brother becoming a police officer. Efraim is a brave person who, when something is going down, is not one to stay on the sidelines and do nothing. However, he is sometimes reckless about it, and he knows this and tries to think first before going into the fray. Still, this does not stop him from helping friends or those in danger. Plus, he will stand up for himself and others if needed. Even helping strangers if needed. Along with wanting to truly connect with someone and understand him. Something that his family could not provide despite their best efforts. Still, Efraim loves his family, even if they frustrate him. He knows they are trying their best, even when it is not enough. [/INDENT][/COLOR][/cell][/row][/table][table][row][sup][h3][color=2c2c2c][b]▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅[/b][CENTER][/CENTER][right][b]▅▅▅▅▅[/b][/right][/color][/h3][/sup][/row][row][cell][INDENT][sub][sup][sub][h3][b][color=black] A B I L I T I E S, L I M I T A T I O N S, & W E A K N E S S E S[/color] [color=lightgray]A B I L I T I E S, L I M I T A T I O N S, & W E A K N E S S E S[/color][/b][/h3][/sub][/sup][/sub][/INDENT][sup]________________________________________________________________________________________[/sup] [COLOR=GRAY][INDENT][sub][b][color=lightgray] H Y P E R H U M A N A B I L I T Y || Osteokinesis[/color][/b][/sub] [SUB][COLOR=2C2C2C]__[/COLOR][b]PRIMARY CLASSIFICATION[/b] || [COLOR=DARKGRAY]Esoteric[/COLOR][/SUB] [SUB][COLOR=2C2C2C]__[/COLOR][b]SECONDARY CLASSIFICATION[/b] || [COLOR=DARKGRAY]Somatic[/COLOR][/SUB] [SUB][COLOR=2C2C2C]__[/COLOR][b]POWER SCALE[/b] || [COLOR=DARKGRAY]TBD[/COLOR][/SUB] [SUB][COLOR=2C2C2C]__[/COLOR][b]THREAT CLASSIFICATION[/b] || [COLOR=DARKGRAY]TBD[/COLOR][/SUB] [INDENT]Efraim has the power of being able to manipulate bones. Specifically, the bone exoskeleton that appears on his skin. From it, he can harden the skin around the exposed bone. Giving him protection and making his melee attacks harder as a result. He was also able to create bone constructs by shaping bones from his exoskeleton and creating things such as swords, shields, and other objects. Along with being able to heal the bones on his exoskeleton.[/indent] [sub][b][color=lightgray] L I M I T A T I O N S || PERSONAL BONES, DETACHMENT, SET SHAPE[/color][/b][/sub] [INDENT]Efraim can only manipulate his own bones from his exoskeleton. He was reluctant to try and manipulate other people's bones, but he had to see if he could, and he found he could not. So he has to rely on his own bones for attacks and defense. Also, once a bone detaches from his skeleton, he can no longer manipulate the bone. Even if he retouches it, it just becomes a static bone that he can not manipulate anymore. Also, once he shapes a bone into a shape, he can not reset it or change it further.[/indent] [sub][b][color=lightgray] W E A K N E S S E S || OVERUSE, JUST BONE[/color][/b][/sub] [INDENT]While Efraim can grow and shape bones from his bone exoskeleton. He has a limit on how many bones he can grow, and he knows when it is close to his limit when it starts hurting to grow bones. A small pain when he nears his limit, but the more bones he grows, the more it hurts until he can not anymore due to the pain. Making him more likely to hurt himself and his skeleton due to the strain on his exoskeleton. While it can be strong, the bone he uses is just normal bone, so its durability and power are limited to the strength of natural bone.[/indent][/INDENT][/COLOR][/cell][cell][indent][sub][sup][sub][h3][b][color=black] S K I L L S & T A L E N T S[/color] [color=lightgray]S K I L L S & T A L E N T S[/color][/b][/h3][/sub][/sup][/sub][/INDENT][sup]_________________________________________________________[/sup] [INDENT][sub][b][color=lightgray] S K I L L S[/color][/b][/sub] [sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup] [INDENT][sup][COLOR=gray][COLOR=lightgray]◼ [b]Bilingual[/b] ||[/COLOR] [i]Efraim is fluent in both English and Spanish[/i][/COLOR][/SUP][/INDENT] [sub][b][color=lightgray] T A L E N T S[/color][/b][/sub] [sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup] [INDENT][sup][COLOR=darkgray][COLOR=lightgray]◼ [b]Perceptive[/b] ||[/COLOR] [i]Efraim is a natural observant and can pick up stuff that other people may not notice.[/i][/COLOR][/SUP][/INDENT][/INDENT][indent][sub][sup][sub][h3][b][color=black] C H A R A C T E R A R S E N A L[/color] [color=lightgray]C H A R A C T E R A R S E N A L[/color][/b][/h3][/sub][/sup][/sub][/INDENT][sup]_________________________________________________________[/sup] [indent][sub][b][color=lightgray] A T T I R E[/color][/b][/sub] [sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup] [INDENT][sub][COLOR=gray][color=lightgray]◼ [b]School Uniform[/b] ||[/color] [i]The standard school uniform that Efraim wears and while he is fine with wearing it. He prefers to wear more casual clothing, but he is not one to complain about needing to wear something.[/i][/color][/sub][/indent] [sub][b][color=lightgray] I T E M ( S )[/color][/b][/sub] [sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup] [INDENT][sub][COLOR=gray][color=lightgray]◼ [b]Pack of Cards[/b] ||[/color] [i]A pack of cards that Efraim has to help pass the time and maybe play with others in his downtime[/i][/color][/sub][/indent] [sub][b][color=lightgray] T O O L ( S )[/color][/b][/sub] [sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup] [INDENT][sub][COLOR=gray][color=lightgray]◼ [b]Mini Flashlight[/b] ||[/color] [i]A mini flashlight that Efraim carries on his personal and he mainly has it after going through a long blackout once growing up and likes to have on him just in case.[/i][/color][/sub][/indent][/INDENT] [indent][sub][sup][sub][h3][b][color=black] A D D I T I O N A L N O T E S[/color] [color=lightgray]A D D I T I O N A L N O T E S[/color][/b][/h3][/sub][/sup][/sub][/INDENT][sup]_________________________________________________________[/sup] [INDENT][hider=][color=#2e2c2c]-[/color] [indent][sub][b][color=lightgray] M I S C E L L A N E O U S[/color][/b][/sub] [sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ [COLOR=gray][color=lightgray][b]◼[/b][/color] Efraim has a pet dog named Tia, and one way he practiced his powers was by making bones for his dog to chew on. So, the household had plenty of bones for his dog.[/color][/sup] [color=#2e2c2c]-[/color][/indent][/hider][/INDENT][/cell][/row][/table][INDENT][sub][sup][sub][h3][b][color=black] P E R S O N A L P R O M P T S[/color] [color=lightgray]P E R S O N A L P R O M P T S[/color][/b][/h3][/sub][/sup][/sub][/INDENT][sup]________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/sup] [COLOR=GRAY][indent][sub][b][color=darkgray]E N T E R I N G I N T O Y O U R F I N A L Y E A R, W H A T A D V I C E D O Y O U H A V E T O A N E W S T U D E N T?[/color][/b][/sub] [indent]Do not be nervous here and talk with your peers. We are all in the same boat here, and you can relax. No Hyperhuman haters here, and enjoy yourself while you are here. Talk with people, make friends, and develop your power while staying here. I have certainly grown well here, and you can too.[/indent] [sub][b][color=darkgray]W H A T W E R E Y O U R A S P I R A T I O N S W H E N Y O U S T A R T E D H E R E? W H A T C H A N G E D, W H A T S T A Y E D T H E S A M E?[/color][/b][/sub] [indent]When I came here, I did not know what I wanted to be. Spend a good part figuring out my future and now I can say I know what I want to do with my life. I want to make a difference in the world and know why. Not much of me has changed since coming here. But, I do have a greater respect for my father who brought me here, even if he does not understand me. He knows how to help me after all. [/indent] [sub][b][color=darkgray]I F Y O U C O U L D M A K E O N E C H A N G E T O Y O U R T I M E A T P . R . C . U ., W H A T W O U L D I T B E?[/color][/b][/sub] [indent]There are some things I would like to change from my time here. But the one thing I would like to change is that I wished I could have done more during the stuff with Hyperion. I know I am just a student, and he is a terrorist. But I do not like to sit on the sidelines while stuff like that goes down. Especially the stuff that happened at the school because of him. That is the the top thing I would like to change since coming here and I hope that things quiet down now.[/indent][/indent][/COLOR] [/hider]