[quote=@Retired] Hillan has hit 24. [/quote] He might be 24 but his mental age is much lower. [quote=@mattmanganon] [@Sep] Excellent news. That being said, i wanted to pose a question to the group: So, the fact that i'm playing the Lanterns again has brought up some bad memories for people and the bad blood i appreciate fully. So, i want to pose it to the group to decide: Would you guys feel more comfortable with me leaving John Stewart out of my story? I would love the opportunity to earn some trust back from everyone, but at the same time, I feel that people might resent me getting another chance from DM's who weren't around when the incident in question happened. [hider=The incident in question]For those of you who don't know, during that RP i made a series of "Hal having a trip-out" scenes where one of the scenes in question was "Green Lantern: The 1950's Serial" Where all of the characters in my story were reimagined as 1950's versions of themselves. And being that the 1950's were not exactly a time when African-American representation was very kind to that community, i portrayed John Stewart during this scene as most African-American were portrayed, albeit tuned down. No N words or anything (I had the sense to not do that) but i'd say [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYGYENxPNC4]Along these lines[/url] I thought it would be a funny little "Haha, 50's people were racist" that we could all have a laugh at and move on from. And to be fair, the only initial response i got from that was a thumbs up from someone. However, a few posts later some people took great offense to this portrayal. Now, i am not saying that they shouldn't have taken offense. All things considered, it was a really bad place and a really bad time to make that joke and i do acknowledge that i DEFINITELY shouldn't have done it there and the DM's made the right decision to kick me from the game.[/hider] So yeah, i want to make sure everyone is comfortable with giving me another chance, especially since [@Simple Unicycle] has already mentioned it. I was going to leave it up to the DM's, but again, being that they weren't involved in the original incident, i wanted to give those who were an opportunity to either trust me again or, failing that, allow me the opportunity to earn their trust by showing that i can use other characters without fucking up royally. [/quote] I mean I don't care about all that, I'd say simply hold of on John Stewart just incase someone else wants to be John Stewart